[@Write] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Behind the Café[/b] "[color=66cd00]Your choices are yours and yours alone.[/color]" She glanced minutely at her pale hand, now held within her friend's grasp, before returning her gaze once more to Nuit's eyes. "[color=66cd00]And the responsibility that they bring with them ... also falls upon you alone.[/color]" There was nobody else walking the same path. There would be nobody else. There could never be anyone else. Nuit's journey was as different from her's as Gratia's was from an insect's. "[color=66cd00]The guilt over that bitch's death. That is yours. The choice to snuff out her life. That was yours. That responsibility is part of you now. You'll never fucking escape it. And it'll determine how you choose to live from now on.[/color]" Her expression remained as composed as ever. "[color=66cd00]The choices you make ... they need to be the ones you truly cannot regret.[/color]" Because they would forever be the burden upon one's shoulders. Gratia Mindaro did not believe her friend to be capable of making any of those choices. Not now. Not like this. What good were one's choices if they couldn't even fucking think properly? "[color=66cd00]When today is done, we'll find you a shrink.[/color]" Bianca Nuit couldn't rely on someone else's wings forever.