[i]Haven, the last bastion for the human resistance, the other races stand at their doorstep. Dwarf, Elf and Orc all stand together, a feat never before repeated in history. A group of three humans stand before the nearly infinite armies who stand against them, quiet resignation in their eyes as they stood as the final barrier against the annihilation of the human race. The battle ended poorly, a single human champion standing bleeding and alone in the middle of the mixed army of his enemy, trying in vain to staunch the flow of blood from his body. He stumbled, barely able to catch himself. " I will never give up, what gives you the right to slaughter an entire race for exacting their vengeance? You are all fools, they will betray you in the end, when you are alone and scared and have nothing to protect you save your ignorance. " The Champion's words were soft, but his message was heard when he stood tall. Blood flowed from his wounds as he raised his spear in defiance. Elven archers, spell-casters and Dwarven ballistae all fired upon the Champion, and as the dust settled a single deafening voice echoed, as if rebounding off the very sky. [color=red] " You might need to try harder than that. " [/color] The Elven queen was first, her scream of terror and pain cut off as quickly as it began as the Champion tore through her army and cut her down. The Champion no longer seemed human, his body seemed immaterial, the air around him shimmering and stretching as if reality itself struggled to contain him. As the Champion tore through the armies many noticed he eventually began to slow, where he would have cut down hundreds in a single blow he barely managed fifty, and soon enough he was overwhelmed, his body turning to ash as whatever strength he held now fled him, a small smile on his face as his eyes refused to focus. " [color=red] " Don't blame them, for their fight for survival. "[/color] [/i] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alright so, small idea here that I've no clue where to take it. Alright so this is based off my idea of a fantasy world where humans were never meant to be a prominent race. No aptitude for magic and by far the weakest of the intelligent races they were nothing but a cruel byproduct of their gods who only lived as long as they did because they amused them. As humans fought to be recognised as a major race the other races put them in the same category as goblins or other nuisances, simple creatures meant for nothing but slaughter. Treated like animals for long enough the human race banded together, creating unnatural abominations that they called [i]Champions.[/i] Champions were the first known instance of humans using magic. Their bodies were unfit for containing magical energy and they themselves were unable to produce it, so they experimented, creating artificial " Hearts " Used to contain and focus magical energy. The humans first started their fight for survival with their gods, who by this point began to interact violently in an effort to crush the humans before they became a nuisance. The humans killed their gods, creating three new hearts from the remains and creating three Champions who would bring them to an era of peace with the other races, or die trying. For the other races, the actions the humans took were horrible, disgusting acts of savagery only befitting monsters who required immediate slaughter, so for the only time in recorded history the three most powerful races banded together to end the human race. The champions proved more than a match for the armies, each could handle themselves alone against thousands but it was not meant to be. Eventually human strongholds fell, reducing a population of nearly millions to only a few hundred cowering within the walls of a city known as Haven. The three Champions fought to the end to protect and bring vengeance for their fallen, to simply survive, and in the end the final Champion fell, leaving nothing between the humans and their destruction. Destruction seemed sure if not for the twin Elven princesses, though distraught by the loss of their mother they never agreed with how the humans had been treated and refused to allow the elves to slaughter them or even to stand idly by. For years political and physical battles raged with what was left of the human race at it's center, most of them living with sympathetic families or nobles, a good amount of them living in slums near Elven cities. Humans were now little more than frightened animals looking for nothing but to survive, a few groups of nobles and royalty owned one or two like slaves if only for the rarity and the topics they brought up at parties. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SORRY FOR THE LENGTH x-x But if you are still here it means you must be at least semi interested. I am looking for somebody who can post at around advanced level, 2-5 paragraphs depending on what is going on in the story and how well we both can manage. Obviously I require somebody above the age of 18 because of the 18+ tag, this rp may mention dark themes of all sorts depending on what I and the interested person agree on. So, I currently have a few ideas as for " pairings " and half plots. The genders are by no means set in stone as I am more than willing to play any gender pairing at all. [b]Bold[/b], as normal, means the role I would like to play, this is also not set in stone, I am a very flexible person. - [b]Twin Princesses[/b] x Human - - [b]Noble/person in power[/b] x Human slave - - [b]Human thief[/b] x Somebody in power - You may notice that they all have something to do with a human and somebody of the other races who are in power. This could be one of those tragic romances, " Romeo and Juliet " kind of stuff you know? Though hopefully with less suicide and poison, though that depends on how evil we want to get with our characters >3> Anyways go ahead and PM me if you are interested or have any ideas, would love to hear them.