[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h3]Donny Yang[/h3][/color][/center] Donny nodded his head as he put his snacks away. It was fine with him, more snacks for him later. The guy looked around after Donny's comment about all the commotion as if to research the facts himself. Admittedly Donny was rather surprised at how boisterous everyone was. Then again, it's been a long time since Donny has actually been in a school. He still wasn't used to real interaction with people, and wasn't really sure how highschoolers acted these days. As far as Donny knew this was totally normal, and maybe it was. That just meant he was the weird one. [color=firebrick][i]"Maybe I shouldn't worry about that."[/i][/color] Donny thought to himself. True, memories of those bullies from so long ago still haunted him. But he was here at Komei to start fresh, not dwell on the past. Fortunately the winged student turned back to Donny and continued the conversation, allowing Donny to forget about his doubts. The fellow student, Acion Nakamiji, wanted to know what Donny's quirk was. He rubbed his face shyly, not certain if he should be honest, lie, or just tell a half-truth. In his panic to try to say something Donny fibbed. [color=firebrick]"Oh. I uh... I make golems."[/color] Briefly an image of Donny's [url=http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lc9l82kQMU1qcyijz.jpg]"Golems"[/url] flashed in his mind, making him realize how totally badass it would be if his Quirk actually allowed him to do that. He was a big fan of robots and stuff, and he actually hoped that one day he could check out the support classes and learn how they make their gadgets. He really wanted his own giant robot. [color=firebrick]"Eh heh heh... I'm sorry. That was a lie."[/color] Laughing off his fib Donny took a moment to try to analyze Acion. Obviously everyone wanted to size each other up and figure out what everyone could do, what their weaknesses are. Figure out who would be the strongest among them. It made Donny rather nervous knowing the plethora of weaknesses he had, but he was also aware of his strengths too. While he was nervous and scared, he was determined to become a hero. And he wasn't going to let his own fears hold him back. Acion seemed like a nice guy, but that "Heir to the Gods" things did make Donny give him a strange look. He didn't care for religion, and he sincerely hoped that Acion wasn't some sort of zealot. More importantly, how would this angelic looking fellow think of someone who's actually a slime monster in human skin? Donny didn't want to know. Clearing his throat Donny figured he'd be honest, but not tell the whole truth. Let Acion judge him so Donny could see his reaction. [color=firebrick]"Truth is, m-my quirk allows me to eat anything. Robots, rocks, plastic, poison, even stuff that's on fire or rotten. As long as I can eat it I'll be o-okay."[/color] This was true, and combined with Acion's implied observation that Donny was fat, it was logical to think that's all there was to Donny. After all a big guy like him has to have an appetite. Donny wished he could make himself look more muscular and fit, but trying to maintain a cut figure while inside his Meat Bag was more strenuous than hiding inside a water bottle. As if he didn't have enough problems simply looking like a blob monster now he has to look like a fatty. But it was the only option Donny had at the time so he couldn't make any complaints. At least he looks "normal" like this. [color=firebrick]"So uh, yeah. Oh. And my name is Donny Yang. W-what's your quirk?"[/color] [@Conscripts]