[@SinfulSkills] *tackles* Man he must've left early, to walk all the way there. I can't see him taking a bus. It's kinda cute, actually. Hm...I don't think she'd let him hold her hand for travelling. He'd too young to be of interest to her, and even if he had shown signs of a crush she'd try to discourage that. But he hasn't, so she's more likely to see it as an effort to guide her...and she kinda resents that. ^.^;; I tried to give him the opportunity to take her hand in the form of a handshake, if you wanna use that. Would it be enough? Flying might work, though there's a chance she'd try to throw him off. Teleportation would definitely work -- but again, she might try to throw him. However this is far safer at their destination than midair. =P Not that it couldn't work for /us/ either way. ^.^