[quote=@Krayzikk] This isn't a plus. A subplot is as relevant as the people involved want to make it, but the point is that that is a [i]choice[/i]. Making a plot that affects people whether or not they want it is a poor way to make people want to stick around. Whether or not what [i]you[/i] do is relevant to everyone [i]else[/i] should [i]be[/i] irrelevant. In and of itself. That's just ego. [/quote] Please don't escalate the discussion, I don't think any of us want this to turn in to a full blown argument. Your last statements were out of line and not civil. My counter argument is this, the whole point of an overarching plot is that it throws some previously unforseen twists into play that we, as our characters, have to adapt to. That said, that doesn't mean that major things will happen to the characters that the players don't agree with, but its not wholly up to us. The GMs should ultimately run things and nearly everything short of grevious wounds or death is within their right. The players do still have a choice in the matter but what you are describing is anarchy, or at the very least, a bunch of disconnected stories that take place independently of one another that just happen to be in the same chat room. Hell, your choices already do and should affect other players, from the personal level, say an angry word to another, to the plot level. Saying that your choices are irrelevant to others is incorrect because that is how players interact. Edit: Another point of a plot is to make a reason for the players to get personaly invested. Watching a story unfold and wondering what will happen next is a great way to keep people around.