Generation V (144-179) [hider=Highlights] Witch Wars (Tollscythe, Baldugtagee) Invasion of Baldugtagee (Sunwalker, Baldug) Purges in Anxwe (Ynndyron) Decline of the Sunwalkers (Sunwalker) Meadland Tariff Riot (Thanesrow) Rebuilding in Windbeach (Windbeach) [/hider] [hider=The Noble House Sunwalker] Lord Governor Saero Duskguard Sunwalker of Paledune, the Sultan of Paradise (101 - 176) 1. Policy (Infrastructure (D+)) 2. Policy (Infrastructure (D)) 3. War (Territorial (0-2)) against Elder Chief Gyron Dreyed Baldug of Baldugtagee 4. Policy (Infrastructure (D-)) 5. Policy (Infrastructure (F)) 6. Death (Illness) Mil. IV Eco. VI Inf. IV Civ. VI. Lord Governor Jaeron Sunrise Sunwalker of Paledune, the Sultan of Paradise (121 - 196) 6. Succession (Paternal) Mil. IV Eco. VI Inf. IV Civ. VI. [/hider] [hider=The Noble House Eriokles] Lord Governor Gamalt Taukrates Eriokles of the Greenfall (83 - 156) 1. Policy (Infrastructure (C)) 2. Diplomacy (Condemnation) of Elder Chief Yadam Dreyed Baldug of Baldugtagee 3. Death (Illness) Mil. V Eco. III Inf. II Civ. III. Lord Governor Photal Betakrates Eriokles of the Greenfall (117 - 180) 3. Succession (Paternal) 4. Policy (Infrastructure (B-)) 5. Policy (Infratsructure (B+)) 6. Policy (Infrastructure (A+)) Mil. V Eco. III Inf. II Civ. III. [/hider] [hider=The Imperial House Haedulus] Emperor Aedrius Irenaeus Haedulus of Haedulon, the Might of the Pantheon, First Emperor (103 - 185) 1. Policy (Military (A-)) 2. Policy (Civil (B+)) 3. Policy (Infrastructure (B)) 4. Policy (Infrastructure (B-)) 5. Policy (Military (A)) 6. Policy (Economic (B+)) Mil. V Eco. V Inf. V Civ. VI. [/hider] [hider=The Royal House Thanesrow] King Acheld Thrayteron Thanesrow of the Meadland, Greenlord (88 - 159) 1. Policy (Economic (C-)) 2. Policy (Economic (B-)) 3. Death (Illness) Mil. V Eco. IV Inf. V Civ. V. King Bortald Gadderon Thanesrow of the Meadland, Greenlord (113 - 187) 3. Succession (Paternal) 4. Policy (Economic (B-)) 5. Policy (Economic (B-)) 6. Policy (Economic (B)) Mil. V Eco. IV Inf. V Civ. V. [/hider] [hider=The Great Clan Bronzespear] Chief Snakewrath Ibraho Bronzespear of the Great Steppe (88 - 148) 1. Death (Illness) Mil. V Eco. II Inf. II Civ. IV. Chief Seedsewer Rocklight Bronzespear of the Great Steppe (112 - 181) 1. Succession (Illness) 2. Policy (Infrastructure (B-)) 3. Policy (Infrastructure (A-)) 4. Policy (Infrastructure (A)) 5. War (Territorial (2-2)) against Chief Witchfriend Greyhaunt Tollscythe of the Deadlands 6. War (Territorial (2-2)) against Chief Witchfriend Greyhaunt Tollscythe of the Deadlands Mil. V Eco. II Inf. III Civ. IV. [/hider] [hider=The Tollscythe Clan] Chief Witchfriend Greyhaunt Tollscythe of the Deadlands (39 - ca. 193) 1. Policy (Civil (F)) 2. Policy (Military (A)) 3. Policy (Military (A+)) 4. Policy (Military (A+)) 5. War (Territorial (2-2)) against Chief Seedsewer Rocklight Bronzespear of the Great Steppe 6. War (Territorial (2-2)) against Chief Seedsewer Rocklight Bronzespear of the Great Steppe Mil. IV Eco. IV Inf. II Civ. I. [/hider] [hider=The Royal House Oakwarden] King Fariefriend Greenrobe Oakwarden of the Oaklands, Greenlord (81 - 146) 1. Death (Illness) Mil. VI Eco. III Inf. II Civ. III. King Greengood Thragor Oakwarden of the Oaklands, Greenlord (110 - 188) 1. Succession (Paternal) 2. Policy (Civil (B-)) 3. Policy (Civil (C+)) 4. Policy (Civil (C-)) 5. Policy (Infrastructure (B)) 6. Policy (Infrastructure (B)) Mil. VI Eco. III Inf. II Civ. III. [/hider] [hider=The Royal House Ynndyron] King Wolfheart Lami Ynndyron of Anxwe (72 - 145) 1. Death (Assassination) By Oakwarden-Aligned Agents Mil. V Eco. II Inf. III Civ. II. King Unerdon Eudric Ynndyron of Anxwe (98 - 182) 1. Succession (Paternal) 2. Policy (Military (A)) 3. Policy (Civil (C-)) 4. Policy (Civil (C)) 5. Policy (Civil (C)) 6. Policy (Civil (B-)) Mil. VI Eco. II Inf. III Civ. II. [/hider] [hider=The Illustrious House Baldug] Elder Chief Yadam Dreyed Baldug of Baldugtagee (77 - 148) 1. Death (Illness) Mil. III Eco. III Inf. VI Civ. III. Elder Chief Gyron Dreyed Baldug of Baldugtagee (94 - 181) 1. Succession (Paternal) 2. Policy (Military (A)) 3. Policy (Military (C-)) 4. War (Territorial (2-0)) against Lord Governor Saero Duskguard Sunwalker of Paledune, Sultan of Paradise 5. Policy (Military (D-)) 6. Policy (Military (B+)) Mil. III Eco. III Inf. VI Civ. III. [/hider] [hider=The Republic of Windbeach] The Council of Elders, High Elder Buyadom Beceralo Kabgwe (140-150), High Elder Joron Fabbelin Werdtun (150-160), High Elder Rewerturin Korkon Haggerit (160-170), High Elder Jurtun Sandsplitter Jubericus (170-180) 1. Policy (Military (B+)) 2. Policy (Military (C+)) 3. Policy (Infrastructure (C+)) 4. Policy (Infarstructure (B-)) 5. Policy (Economic (B-)) 6. Policy (Military (A-)) Mil. III Eco. II Inf. IV Civ. VI Ath. III [/hider]