Slowly and consistent patters came from the floor of Cassidy's dorm. Gentle and soft, the small steps created a sound that could be scarcely heard even from the door right in front of the room. She gently pursed her lips as she continued her useless pacing. It was late. Very late. At this hour the young air aedis [I]should[/I] have been sleeping, resting her body for the next set of classes and trials the next day was to bring but this was not the case. A small sigh escaped her pink lips, her slow, consistent pacing unceasing. Insomnia was not an uncommon feat for the girl but it seemed worse than usual this evening. Ever-so-slowly she outstretched her left hand and took a long breath. Although she had ample control over her power it still scared her greatly, much more than she'd be willing to admit. For some, power meant honour. Control of an element was a blessing. It made them a hero, they felt. Cassidy, however, thought her power almost a curse. She felt it not safe in her hands and only made her a walking hazard. Slowly she called upon a gentle wind with a slow flick of her wrist. She went to do more but ear piercing scream came from the training yard, smothering her concentration. Cassidy's head snapped upwards in a panic. The created breeze died and the young woman turned to her dresser. She snatched her belt where her knife sat in its sheath and quick clipped it around her waist over her soft pyjama shorts. Not worrying much for her own protection but more for the group of screams and yelps Cassidy slipped on her shoes and bounded toward the danger in her shoes and not-quite-skimpy pyjamas. Cassidy ran out to see the last of the kids running away from the building only to be heard by Nathan's yells. Although knowing it wasn't aimed at her Cassidy called to Nathan, [color=87CEFA]"I've got the kids. If one of you want to come along that's fine but you both will be useful in the midst of the battle,"[/color] and with that she turns and runs to the forest. [@The Mighty Hero]