[@Silvan Haven] [@Write] [@Crimmy] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Ayazi] [@LokiLeo789] [b]Schwarz Sisters and All That Shiz[/b] [color=00aeef]"Ah, thank you, Beryl-san!"[/color] came Dawn's impeccably polite and gracious reply, as she primly accepted the already sweating cup (more like a mug, though, honestly) of iced green tea, bringing it to her lips and taking a long drink. "Oh, wow, this is a nice blend! Hey Jer, do you know what all's in it?" she called over to the humble kichen lad, before muttering a small list to herself along the lines of [color=00aeef]"some orange peel, some echinacea root, ooh, a hint of [i]apple[/i], [i]that's[/i] platinum good, I wonder how that got in there"[/color], before being snapped abruptly out of it by a hand, clad in fingerless biking or climbing gloves, snapping its fingers in front of her. [color=00aeef]"Hoi?"[/color] she looked up. Smirking in amusement, the psychedelic exorcism enthusiast of the assembled gang wordlessly pointed straight forward, over to her other side. Following his direction, she turned— And immediately giggled, gingerly accepting the pouch of chocolate chip cookies from her big sister's mouth, careful not to damage their gooey sweetness in any way during the final bit of transit. In an amazing feat of facial dexterity, any attentive person would have noted that the older girl's smile managed to somehow widen at her sister's reaction, despite the delicacy of the passengers it carried. An attentive person would have also noticed that, while April had matched Akuma-kun's care when delivering Dawn's cookies, her own were recieved with far less circiumstance, merely dropping the package into her hands with only a small [color=ffcf40][i]bleh[/i][/color] to herald them. Hahah, what a silly girl. Of course, Tanner Oshino was a very attentive man, and also took this opportunity, after winking cheekily at his two adoptive nieces, to answer that call that had just come up on his scroll. He didn't take the time to look at the ID. Only three people had this number, and only two of them used it, and only one would have any reason to call him right now. [color=aba000]"Yo, Taichou-san."[/color] [color=A9CCE3]"Always with the nicknames, huh, Tanner? And here I'd [i]just[/i] thought we'd moved past that."[/color] the voice at the end of the line replied, just as flippant and ripe with good humor in its low and smooth feminine tones as his own was. [color=A9CCE3]"How're the kids holding up?"[/color] [color=aba000]"They've already got half of your son's classmates wrapped around their little fingers, talking practically. And what can I say, something good happened—"[/color] He turned his lone opened eye to the dark Atlesian devil at the counter, and then thought back to the young looking man outside the dorms he had been chatting with. [color=aba000]"Meaning of course, the old stomping grounds are really nostalgic. You'll never guess who I've been running into, Holly."[/color] [color=A9CCE3]"Oh, really?"[/color] the most powerful woman to ever hail from Shiroyama sounded intrigued. [color=A9CCE3]"I'm on my way to the station right now, so if you can keep them around..."[/color] [color=aba000]"A-hah, that's quite the demand to place on a sleazy old fart like me..."[/color] [i][color=ffcf40]"These are--"[/color] [color=00aeef]"So good!"[/color][/i] [color=aba000]"...But I get the feeling I can manage it."[/color]