[@pyroman] The information that in the future, Heidi was partly responsible for inventing time travel was staggering. From all her current understanding, it was impossible without mutations...Then again, if it was possible in any form, then...that train of thought could wait until later. Right now was time to get into mission mode. So, this team was the best combination to deal with this mission? What was the mutation of the new girl, then? And if Heidi was an important factor, was it her brain that helped them to avoid danger? Should she be specifically trying to prevent danger in this mission? So many questions, but none that the team who had assembled them would know the answer to. Only her future self. But why hadn't she come? Heidi herself had began to suspect why, and if she was right, it was either death, or that her path and Xavier's had finally parted as she suspected they would. Her ideological differences, she kept secret from her mutant classmates for now, but she wouldn't suppress them forever. Heidi had already suited up in preparation for Gym, but she did use this time to calibrate her new prototype exoskeleton, and quickly check that the power they were being fed from her gauntlet was such that she could power them both. Satisfied, she headed back to the hangar. She was the first one back besides Bonny, who hadn't left.