[quote=@Member 00492] Made edits to the Episode List and groups. ___________________________________ [b]Ep. 1 - Rebirth -[/b] After the first wave of recruits are brought into Metro Tower, Batman takes a squad to investigate reports in St. Roch about a humanoid lion man. [b]Mentor:[/b] Batman [b]Group:[/b] Bulleteer, Lizard, Warden, Question __________________________________ [b]Ep. 2 - Mad World -[/b] Brainwave causes chaos in Midway City trying to impress his peers in supervillainy. [b]Mentor:[/b] Green Lantern [b]Group:[/b] Toon Girl, Capt. Marvel, Judgement, [color=blue]GYPSY, New God (pre approved)[/color] __________________________________ [b]Ep. 3 - Training Day -[/b] Batman asks a former teacher [Wildcat] to train some of the newer heroes without costumes, aliases, or any field experience. [b]Mentor:[/b] Wildcat [b]Group:[/b] the Rookie,[color=blue] Dark Messiah (pre approved)[/color], ANY OTHER NEW RECRUITS ______________________________________________ [b]Ep. 4 - The Fallen -[/b] An alien biker falls from the stars and the League sends a team to investigate. [b]Mentor:[/b] Superman [b]Group:[/b] Mr. Clutch, Solara, Polarity Man, [color=blue]RAVAGER[/color] _________________________________________ [b]Ep. 5 - Kids These Days -[/b] Most of the League is turned into old folks by the villain Extant and only the unaffected heroes can save them before somebody dies. [b]Mentor:[/b] None [b]Group:[/b] Everyone will be involved in this one, either as an elderly version of yourself or one of the few who's gonna save us. [b]Unaffected heroes:[/b] Gonna leave this up in the air actually. After I see what you guys and gals are made of I'll make a list of who's gonna save our elderly asses. _______________________________________________________ -00492 [/quote] [@Lord Wraith] We can switch missions for our characters if you wanna be Bats. I've got my fill of him in my other two RPs. I had honestly found ways to mostly keep the mentors off screen or use them in a simple way that takes them away from the action. I'll take Superman and GL, you okay with Bats along with Wildcat training noobs? Bats is pretty much as he is in the comics. He's been Batman about half his lifetime or more and in his 50's and gray. Some smaller version of the JSA existed in WWII, which is where Wildcat would've began. You can say he's on his third life of nine LOL. Make the JSA a 5 person team, just remember you can't use Alan. Can write little blurbs like I did for the three remaining founders of the League if you want. -00492