Jo has turned a very faint shade of pink when Alex had told her he wasn't being literal. But it was so cute, and when she tried to cover it up, he just nodded and decided to go with it. "Okay." When she said it was a good idea to meet in the library, he gave a small nod. "Alright. I figured it'd be a better place to study. Plus, after Harlow's class some place quiet will be nice. There are so many people in my second period ALD class that are just straight annoying all the time. Devin... Jackie. Ugh." He mumbled the very last bit more to himself. He couldn't help that though, and it wasn't like he had Garret to sit there with like he usually did in classes like that. Actually, he might, Garret would be back tomorrow and he hoped to Lucifer that it some how lined up like it usually did and he was in the class with him. Because he would need someone other than Maggie Martin, and Justin, of course, to sit with. Especially since all of the people he was most annoyed by seemed like they were in that class. And he remembered Harlow mentioning Darren was in that class too, though Alex hadn't even realized he was back until the last period yesterday. Alex let out a light laugh at what Jo had said. "Yeah. Doesnt helo the tracher is boring... Nor seems to know what he's talking about ever. I mean, I'm sure he does, but I can't ever get past how boring he is." He looked over at Chambliss, still trying to make out the colors of the potions on the rack ehen Jo had whispered to him. He nodded and whispered back. "That might be a good idea. I didn't realize that the enchantment had wore off as bad as it had until now." He opened up his notebook and his textbook and waited for the class to begin. -- Darren gave a nod to Molly's answer, even if he knew that some parts had been worse than others since he actually talked to her. Especially last year, he had known parts of last year had to have been Hell for her, and then some parts with Daylen. He had hung around them a few times while they were dating, since he was friends with Daylen, but once he had gone... Well... Completely off the rails, even he had to take a step back from everything. He waved them both off before he went to eat his breakfast and once Molly spoke, Adrian have a nod. "You're welcome." He said, taking a sip of his coffee before he listened to her again. Losing out on the majority of the demon crowd would suck, but seeing as he was already an outcast, maybe if he had help he could bad together the other outcasts. Plus, if it got him vampire queen bed, that would help too. "Both have their pros and cons, but if hes got that gift of gab, he's worth it. Plus, we can always figure out the main parts of the demon crowd later. As nice as it would be to get early, it doesn't hurt to wait on it either." He said, taking another large sip of coffee. This coffee was strong, amd he was glad for thsg because it was making his grogginess go away just a little bit quicker. -- Clary had given a small laugh to what Heather said and Cole nodded. "Definitely next time." Clary couldnt help the giggle at Heather's response to the word date and she shook her head. "Oh come on, you know you rock it." She said, but she had to get to class and her and Cole headed in and noticed Billie was already there and talking to Randa. Clary couldn't help but to smile when she saw Billie too. After what she had seen last night, it was the first time she had real hope that her and Logan would stop being so damn stubborn and just finally admit what they felt. Cole had noticed the smile as she say with Clary, and she gave her a soft rub on the shoulder when they went to sit down. "Where is your assignment, Ill out it on the desk for you." She said and once Clary have her her assignment, she went up and places it on Harlow's desk before taking her seat. -- It was waaaaaaaay too early to be in shifting class right now, the dark blond thought as his head dropped on the table. Cain had always liked sitting in the back of the class because he always had trouble staying awake during class. Especially first period. When it was boring as Hell. You know, he could understand certain class requirements, but it wasn't like he'd just randomly shift into dragon form! He kept his head down for a few more minutes before he felt someone take the seat beside him and he rolled his head to see a cute blonde girl there. At least he wasn't sitting with someone who would constantly try and wake him uo it seemed. She had already put in her music player and put her chair on two legs, trying to adjust her skirt. "Just going to warn you, of you want to sit like that again tomorrow, I'll switch the chairs, that chair doesn't look like it'll say balances with the legs being off." He half mumbled to her before he rested his chin on his firearms and looked forward, allowing his cheek to rest against his arm again as he shit his eyes. This class really needed to not be first thing in the morning. Hed much rather still be asleep. -- Ez couldn't help the small laugh as Logan poked her nose though she was completely confused when he said Angel Skirt. After a minute it clicked though, he had meant Cole. She would definitely have to talk to Cole later because Logan apparently felt really good and she really needed that now. Now that class was starting, Ez couldn't help but to sit there and laigh at Logan's answers before she gave some better examples. Her eyes flicked over to Jackie when he had answered her and she gave a gentle nod. "Well that's good." She mumbled a bit,though she gave a partial frown at the last bit. "Oh, I was just wondering because it's been so nice to see a friendly face, I thought it would be nice to catch up sometime." Well, it was true, but now that she knew Jackie was listening she really wanted to fuck with her. Of all the dumbass moves Jackie could have made while Ez was gone, it was start that stupid fucking fued she had heard about. Because even Drake knew, had Ez been there, she would have given him the dragon group and shed have taken the vampires from her. It wouldn't have taken much, but now Ez apparently had her own issues to deal with on her own group. Apparently, as Drake had told her late last night as he helped her unpack, she had a new dragon who didn't like the rules. Oh, that one would learn very quickly. If anyone knew anything about Ez, it was that though she led one of the larger groups in the school, she made damn sure they fell in line when they needed to. As class went on, Ez had sat there and took notes, doodling in the margin on her page. "You know, considering I'm half dragon and it dominates, I really wish this class wasn't required for me." She mumbled half to herself. However, it was required for all vampires and vampire breeds, no matter if the other half of them was more dominate.