Skye's ears perked up beneath her hood. [b]"So you [i]are[/i] a Hunter, and you go to Beacon Academy? I had no idea just from looking at you. I thought Hunters always had their weapons with them, like your friend with the oversized handguns. You must be really good."[/b] She lost her brief positive mood when Luke mentioned his sisters, and in its place came a cold emptiness. She was becoming far too familiar with that feeling lately. She supposed she should have put two and two together, the similarities were obvious in retrospect. Still she had been caught off guard by the revelation, possibly because she hadn't wanted to see it. After seeing so many happy families today she supposed her mind had started shutting it all out. Now, however, she was reminded of her own loss and how she still had yet to truly deal with what had happened. Even weeks later. [i]But that's not Luke's problem. Right now I need to remember where I came from. The sooner I do that the sooner my rescuer can get back to his own. I'll deal with my personal problems later, in private. [/i] Skye took a deep breath and tried to visualize the hospital grounds as Luke had asked. Pushing aside the blurred memories of flat streets choked with people and noise and enormous buildings she focused on where her journey had started. It wasn't as hard as she expected which was very surprising. She suspected Luke's patience with her had something to do with that. [b]"Alright, very pretty lobby, giant glass window I walked into, sliding door... Immediately outside was a wide sidewalk and a street, a loop coming off the main road. Everything was unnaturally flat. That's been throwing me off pretty badly all over this city, that and all the straight lines. Natural terrain just isn't symmetrical, you know? Ah, right, of course you know. Honestly, I recall a distinct [i]lack[/i] of memorable landmarks, but I do remember airships landing on the roof. We didn't have many airships where I came from. Just the one, and it was old. The hospital itself had fancy architecture like I've never seen before, it looked like it was made almost entirely of glass... It had to be six stories at most. This isn't really helpful, is it?"[/b]