[b]Name:[/b] Andrea Jenkins (everyone calls her Andee... pronounced like Andy) [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Family:[/b] -Thomas Jenkins- age 48- currently on City Council and will be running for Senate -Janet Kinson- age 47- kindergarten teacher (took back her maiden name when they divorced) [b]Background/Personality:[/b] Andee has always been the type of person who wants everyone to smile. She believed that holding onto anger or hatred was bad for the body, and that was based on the side effects she witnessed when her parents got divorced. It happened when she was rather young, 11 years old, but she was old enough to understand how much of a negative impact it had on her mother. When Andee found out that her father had an affair, she herself felt hatred boiling up inside her. But she has learned to suppress it. It is the only negative thing in her life, but it has been so many years that it is almost forgotten about. When her and her mom moved out, Andee made it her goal to help her mom find happiness again. Whether it was putting on a silly skit or dancing around the kitchen, Andee loved putting a smile on her face. It worked so well that her mom went back to school to become a teacher and now was one of the best kindergarten teachers in town. Andee decided to continue on her path of wanting to make people happy and help them. To her the only logical solution was to become a nurse. So she went to college for nursing and got a job at the largest hospital in the city right after graduation. At the age of 26, she has worked her way up to become a nurse practitioner and is the head of the nursing program for the entire trauma center. Despite all of the crazy injuries and sicknesses that come through the ER, Andee is always ready to help and by the end of their time there, all of her patients were smiling. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjI0Njc0NDA2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTAyMzM0NzE@._V1_.jpg[/img]