Two a day would be less of a hassle if players jump in and get like 8 or 9 posts total in each Ep. The initial steam would let off after everybody gets broke in I think. Ep. 1 & 2 today, 3 & 4 tomorrow? I've still gotta finish tweaking the Ep group list, switch us around, and place a couple people in different spots. I just don't want either of us getting bogged down with too much mentoring each day. Today you get your character in a mission with Batman, I get to mentor with GL and get everybody going in Midway. OOOOh man what I twist I have in mind for that episode. This is gonna be awesome. That's not to say something completely out of left field won't happen tomorrow when Lobo and Superman meet for the first time. It's essentially a take on their first meeting in the comics that ended with one of my 'favorite scenes involving Superman' of all time. -00492