Tristan's grin was turning into a full blown smile as she seemingly kept up with him. It looked like he was having quite a bit of fun fighting with her, sending her blades this way and that with near casual flicks of his own blades. That smile was turning into laughter, she was very well trained and he was tempted to push her to her limits. As she stepped in he stepped out, it was like a dance and he flowed with it. He knew how to work with blades after all, so trying to get into his 'deadzone' was a fruitless endeavor. The smoke was clearing, and with it his sight returned. He got to see her nice and shiny armor, the superior cloth underneath. That maddening grin was back on his face at the sight. "A lesson? You have nothing to teach me child." He stated while she caught his blade. The blow actually snapped the bones in her hand and made the palm cave in. "I'm not so foolish as to have a pure iron blade. It's merely a shell." He said while she snapped his blade. While she was preoccupied with that his foot snapped up and hit her in the chest with a sound akin to thunder, caving in her chest armor and sending her flying back into the wall. "You're to full of pride, trying to slap me down with advanced technology. You rely on it to much." He growled while his broken blade was replaced with a wicked looking axe. "Sometimes it's the old stuff that just works the best." He said while his joy and mirth vanished. The sword in his hand vanished while he used his foot to kick up her discarded rifle where he caught it mid-air. "Now be a good girl and stay there. I'd rather not kill you since we are on the same side." He stated before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Flames didn't stop him from using his abilities, even the damned sun didn't. Where there was light, there was darkness. Where there was darkness there was a way in or out. She also figured he had a speed at which he could move between the shadows. He didn't have one, but going to fast tired him and he didn't need that earlier. Appearing on a rooftop nearby he turned his attention back to the fight between Blue and Vlad. The hybrid looked to be pushed back by the vampires superior reach. [i]We'll have to change that.[/i] He thought as he sighted down the long barrel one armed. His thumb flicked off the safety and he pulled the trigger, sending the anti-tank round into the haft of the glaive closest to the bladed end. "Kids today. Never outside enough, always playing with their toys." He said while tossing the rifle aside. Once again vanishing in his tell-tale smoke.