Bruce paced out into the courtyard, his eyelids drooped heavily and Ki flowing apparently freeform. He'd devised a means of meditation that could be implemented even in the brief minutes of walking from one location to another. The technique's origin lay in his drive to gain every spare second of training and improvement he could grasp. His pupils peeks out through the narrowest of cracks, while his Ki wavered in a rhythm around him, only occasionally missing a beat in a flow otherwise rivaling a metronome. Though, to his frustration, he'd only managed to progress so far with a handful of rhythms thus far. When he came to stand at a few arms lengths from Ross, the moving Ki receded in haste toward his sheath, where it dissipated. His eyelids snapped up, and he was all alert and clear of mind again. [color=0072bc]"I'm looking forward to learning from you."[/color] Bruce said. It was the truth- though Bruce now knew that his Ki supply was, stacked against his other abilities, his most powerful, he'd always believed his attachment to the earth to be the card he played that could turn tides of battle in his favor. This belief was why he'd often avoid revealing it until an opportune moment to surprise his opponent arrived- that is, if he could afford to keep it hidden. Against the caliber of opponent he was set to face, that wouldn't be an option.