[quote=@LemonadeVik] How's this? [hider=Ajala] [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] Ajala [color=39b54a]Age:[/color] 17 [color=39b54a] Appearance: [/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/12/81/16/128116801d172d5af71c25155dfeb791--avatar-cosplay-avatar-the-last-airbender.jpg[/img] Stands at about 5’11 to 6 foot. [color=39b54a] Faction: [/color] Ex-Order, now Earth Kingdom [color=39b54a]Bender:[/color] Earth [color=39b54a]Sub:[/color] Sand [color=39b54a]Bio:[/color] Born into a servant family in the Order, Ajala was ignored by those around her outside of her close knit family of four. Her mother, a non-bender, was a field hand alongside Ajala’s brother. Her father, a not necessarily skilled Earthbender, worked as a construction worker, building stone walls around important Order facilities. When it was made known Ajala was a Bender, she was quickly sent to her father to help in the construction business. That is, until a revolt happened in a nearby town against a gang who controlled it. The Order wad quick in sending in troops to stop the chaos, but not until the rebellion found its way to Ajala where she was forced to defend herself. Seeing her potential in fighting she was put into training at the age of twelve. Tutored in academics and combat, Ajala discovered her Sandbending ability. She also discovered how the Order was not the peaceful organization she was raised to think it was. At the age of seventeen she fled, making her way to Omashu than to Ba Sing Se; living in the Middle Ring with what little money she has left in the attic of someone who doesn’t know she is there. [color=39b54a]Personality:[/color] Being raised in a strict environment breeds rebelliousness. She doesn’t play by the rules, ready to turn violent if anyone tries to put boundaries onto her. She is a neutral party, fighting for herself or to whoever and promise her freedom after the fact. While she isn’t the most cooperative in teamwork and will often go off on her own on a mission, she knows that somethings are better done together than just by herself, sometimes leading her to push the boundaries with her new team mates. She is a blabber mouth when it comes to unnecessary information. Her constant yapping most often leads to those on her side to get overly nervous on whether or not she will reveal anything important, but she knows how to play a situation with her cunning. Ajala is like a rock, she is down to Earth and never truly optimistic even when victory is guaranteed. [color=39b54a]Family/Relationships:[/color] Manik (Father/Earthbender), Min-Ji (Mother/Non-bender, born into an Earthbending Family), and Ye-Jun (Older Brother/Non-bender). [color=39b54a] Weapon:[/color] A Chain-whip with one end having a blunted metal handle and the other a five-inch dagger blade. Both sides can be used for attack and each side has fragments of sand in them so that they can be bended. However it is often easier to just use your hands to wield it. [color=39b54a]Other:[/color] She carries a pouch of sand around at all times in case of emergencies but mainly because it is her fidget toy. Fight Techniques [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knviCtbakG4]One[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwAA1_PPhMo]Two[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D36gv-Dkmeo]Three[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV46qFZrOzk&list=RDEV46qFZrOzk#t=5]Theme Song[/url] [/hider] [/quote] I was honestly going to use that image but I changed my character to a male. Haha.