Emara heard every word of the conversation the lord of the manor and the pretty girl were having. The lord of the manor, which Emara nicknamed Lord Creep was trying to convince the pretty girl to marry him. She rightfully didn't want any of that, desiring to marry for love rather than politics. But Lord Creep wasn't having any of that. In fact, after she refused, he had her detained by his guards and basically told the pretty girl that she was going to be forced to marry him anyway. It took every ounce of strength the thief had not to leap from the rafters and shove her blade through his skull. The digusting creep didn't deserve another moment on this planet. But, Emara knew better. After her first trek through the manor, she knew that there were too many guards. Even if she killed Lord Creep, the guards would either kill her and pretty girl, or have their way with them. Probably both. Instead, Emara did two things that she had never done before. Left a manor without stealing anything, and went to search for help. Her feet propelled her small frame forward quickly along the road, looking for anybody who happened to be nearby. She couldn't afford to slow down, she was afraid Lord Creep would be trying something again soon. Thankfully it didn't take her long to come across another person. A blonde swordsman who was walking a horse. "Hey, you!" She called, pulling back her hood as she did. "If you have anything resembling a heart in that chest of yours, you'll help me."