[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NGDzV2x.jpg[/img] [b]Character you have created:[/b] Darya Anat Kamaliazad [b]Alias:[/b] Tiamat [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=aquamarine]Aquamarine[/color] (7FFFD4) [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Identity:[/b] Secret[/center] [b]Character Personality[/b]: Darya is a sweet girl, caring and loving of all humans regardless of their faults, though she has a core of hatred for those who inflict needless suffering on their fellow humans and defenseless creatures of the world. Being raised with her grandmother, she grew up believing that magic was still real, and while she has not encountered it yet, she will be delighted to know that her grandmother was correct. She enjoys music and dancing, loves cooking, and is all in all the mother of the multitude of friends she has. Despite how exhausting this is, she would never dream of letting them down. Her flavour of love, however, is a tough one. She is more than willing to call others out on their stupidity, though out of care for them instead of mocking. She is deeply spiritual, though not necessarily religious. The Islamic mosque she attends in her hometown is more of a way to stay social in her college career rather than a desire to attain Heaven, and she has deeply seated concerns about most religions. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] She's working on one, but so far, she has not gotten a good design yet, and is relying on a ski mask and baggy clothes. [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Darya was born to a caring family who had recently fled the violence and foolishness of their home in Iran, and were making do as they could in America. They settled in New York at first, where Darya was born, but economics forced them further away, until they finally settled in Albuquerque, New Mexico. There is where Darya and her younger brother grew up. Her father and mother were victims of racially motivated hate crimes when she was thirteen, but thankfully, her family had been steadily filtering over, and several uncles and aunts were around to help her grandmother. Darya's grandmother always had the air of a mystic, and she raised her grandchildren on stories of the old country, of Persia, of great kings and djinn, and other fantasies. She always held that the family was descended from the Sassanid dynasty, though no proof was ever forthcoming and no one believes it any more than they do her other fairy tales. However, Darya believes at least that magic exists, and that her grandmother has seen it, and her beliefs were further driven home when she developed her powers at age nineteen. Walking to work at her uncle Yousef's coffee bar one day, the periodic heavy rains of Albuquerque came down hard and heavy while Darya was completely unprepared. She made a mad dash down an alley, attempting to find cover, only to find to her extreme surprise that she was still completely dry, despite water pouring from the sky in buckets. She swept her arms a few times and watched in wonder as the standing water on the ground and that still falling responded to her motions as if she was in that one Nickelodeon cartoon. She hid her newfound abilities for a few weeks, but finally, guilt and excitement drove her to tell her uncle where she was disappearing to on her breaks, and why. He was relieved, momentarily, to find she wasn't off having sex or smoking drugs, but relief swiftly turned to abject horror as he realised the implications of what had occurred. A family meeting was called, and various comments and demands were made before Darya's grandmother, matriarch and undisputed authority in the family, ordered Darya to decide for herself. Darya, being who she is, decided to balance family and duty and hero-work. Currently, Darya serves as one of a [i]very[/i] limited number of heroes in the southwest, most of whom belong to the United Southwestern Hero Association. They have been actively trying to recruit Tiamat, but the family, even Fatemeh, are concerned about fulltime heroing and what effects that might have on Darya's future. The Hounds attacks on other metas, however, has driven all the fear out of the whole clan; as much as anyone else, they see the same lunacy that threatens their homeland, and no member of the family would dare argue that they nee to be stopped. And so Darya has been thrust onto the world stage, hesitant but ready to do her part. [b]Hero Type:[/b] Elemental: Water [b]Power Level:[/b] World [b]Powers:[/b] [indent] [i]Hydrokinesis[/i]: By far the most impressive of Darya's abilities is direct control of water. She is not limited by volume, and can draw it directly out of the air or nearby standing bodies and move it at the speed of thought. Water, being what it is, has an impressive display of forms, and she is practised in transporting herself, making rain, putting out fires, and forming blades. If she were to move to a more humid area, she would have much more to work with, and on the coast, she is capable of making tsunamis and other extremely impressive/destructive displays. [i]Other Liquids[/i]: Darya has not tried to do this before, but her abilities are not limited to water alone, and anything which is a liquid, she can manipulate. Terrifyingly, this includes such things as powerful acids, and even the blood inside living creatures. Semisolids are liquid enough to fall under this control, anything up to and including oobleck. [i]Ice and other solids[/i]: Given enough training, Darya could actually play with other objects as well. She simply needs to learn how to convert them to their liquid form. Water ice being the foremost of those, but as long as it contains water at all, she can get it to it's liquid form, and then manipulate it as normal. [i]Atomic Manipulation and Fine Control[/i]: As evidenced by her ability(theoretical for now) to convert solids to liquids, Darya can employ vast amounts of impossibly fine-tuned control over liquids. At the top of her form, she could conceivably control only a few molecules to move, should she wish to. This particular capability comes with the ability to [i]think[/i] on that level, with the reaction speed required for such manipulations. [i]Enhanced body[/i]: The mutation that caused Narya's powers has also enhanced her phsyical body, increasing her speed, strength.[/indent] [i]**Note**[/i]: Darya is aware of her control over water, though not about its lack of limitations, and is not aware of her control over other liquids or her ability to do much with solids and semisolids except that she has played with ice and steam. She is not at all aware of her molecular control, and is only [i]vaguely[/i] aware of how much her body has adapted to her power. [b]Skills:[/b] Darya is well versed in her native languages, Farsi and English, and passable with Middle Persian (her grandmother insisted). She is well trained by her uncles in weapons handling for modern small arms such as pistols and shotguns, knives, and hand to hand combat forms (Krav Maga and Aikido). She is an extremely good cook, especially with Mediterranean dishes but can turn pretty much anything that is food into amazing dishes, if a bit unorthodox. She is good at playing doumbek, oud, qanoun, and Moroccan oboe, though none at any sort of professional level. She's also a fair turn-of-the-hips at belly dancing, even if she's a bit too skinny for it. She has some scholarly interest in philosophy, ethics, poetry, biology, chemistry, and physics, but has not actively pursued any of these. [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: 5'2" (160 cm) Weight: 110 lbs Strength Level: ~1 ton range Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal speed/~3x normal reactions Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours Agility: 5x normal Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Expert Resources: Not a lot. Average college student levels. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The obvious one is that she can only manipulate things in a liquid state, and while she can change some of those, solid objects like steel are impossible for her to convert to liquid, as they contain no water, and thus she cannot control them. Sand, is, oddly, one of her worst weaknesses, both because of its ability to absorb water and because, whatever mysterious thing causes her powers also will severely weaken or even stop working entirely should she get more than a few hundred grains of it in contact with her skin. Currently, she has not given this knowledge to [i]anyone[/i]. While a bit faster and tougher than most people, Narya is proof against no bullet, blade, or even fist, and takes damage as normal. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] Darya has a huge clan she comes from: [i]Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins[/i] [indent]-Ahmad (43) and Farrah (41)(deceased), and their four children -Hossein (42) and Kiana (41), with three children -Ramin (40) and Goli (41), with five children -Yousef (37) and Reyhan (35), with two children -Zurvan (35) and Sajad (36), with two adopted children -Farrokh (32) and Anouseh (35), with two children -Basir (31), unmarried[/indent] [i]Parents[/i] [indent]Giv (39) and Zarine (38), both deceased nine years ago.[/indent] [i]Their Children[/i] [indent]Leila (23), and her husband Martin (25), no children, though Leila is pregnant Darya (22) Massoud (18) Maryam (15)[/indent] [i]Grandparents[/i] [indent]Fatemeh (63), and Rostam (64)(deceased twenty years ago) Roya (67) and Massoud (69), both deceased[/indent] In addition, Darya has worked alongside the USHA on occasion, whose member include: [indent][i]Doc Holliday[/i]: Fully committed to a cowboy aesthetic, this idealistic young man treats everyone like a gentleman would. He has healing powers and unerring aim with firearms. [i]Thunderbird[/i]: Native American shaman from the Apache. Concerned mostly with environmental threats. Has weather control powers and supersonic flight. [i]Broadway[/i]: Named that way because this Vegas-based hero couldn't really call herself 'Strip'. Light based powers, mostly flashy and not lasers and whatnot. [i]Rocky[/i]: Modelling himself after the boxer [i]and[/i] the mountains, this rough and tumble hero is a veteran boxer, “old as the hills”, and has earth and tectonic powers in addition to being super strong and super tough. [/indent]