[@naptime] you sound very melodramatic over something that isn't really a loss at all sometimes personalities just don't click. being up front and honest here: some people annoy me purely by [i]how[/i] they talk. or what they talk about. i just have no interest in it. sometimes writing styles don't match up; either you were expecting something else, the length of the posts just isn't enough, or the post is just riddled with holes or low quality responses. whatever really. it doesn't matter. if someone decides to stop roleplaying with you then that's not your decision, but it's theirs. and yeah i can kinda see why you'd get mad/upset whatever, but really, consider it a show of character. do you really want to rp with someone that has such little decency? and that's coming from someone who really does have such little decency. i drop partners all the time. sometimes i tell them, sometimes i dont. most often it's because i think someone will write back some dumb shit that i'm not interested in hearing. i'm not interested in trying again with a different plot or whatever. i decided to pull out for a reason and that reason is the same as why i don't wanna continue talking. would you really wanna continue roleplaying with someone like me or even talk to me some more? lol