[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KRQZZNd.png[/img][/center] [i]As one might expect humanity in its current form is the main racial group within the Holdings. Yet there are other sentient and not-so sentient creatures that exist in the Reclaimed World, the left over remnants of attempts to create new life either from altered flesh or steel. Acceptance is a hard word to use in a world where racial preconceptions still exist, but there is at the least more cases of mutual beneficial coexistence then there is without, especially now with stronger foundations of the Holdings taking place. In fact it may be more common for sectionalism to be a problem than racism do to the independent nature of the cities the settlements that make up the Holdings. [/i] [hider=Races][h3][u]H U M A N S[/u][/h3][indent]Humanity kind most easily be described as a tenacious bunch. They were the gods of the World Before and they will become the gods of the Reclaimed World if they have anything to say about it. The first to start to gather the technologies of the lost ages, it is upon their initial settlements that the great cities of the Holdings are built upon.[/indent] [h3][u]C E L L V A [/u][/h3][indent] The Cellva are a queer people that tend to favor the isolation of the forest and the jungles than they do the hustle and bustle of the cities. There most striking features of course is there skin which come in many varied shades, colors, textures, and their hair which forms in what can only be described as petals. For the Cellva are in fact plants or at least the blueprint of their creation was based upon plants. It is a common misconception that the Cellva draw their strength from the sun, where in the fact they are more similar to Fungi having to draw nutrients from the dead much like a human, through digestion and eating. While no exact lifespan of the Cellva is known for certain, the oldest of their kind those that survived Long Silence, several thousand years ago at this point, are just now beginning to die of old age. The Cellva were one of the last races 'birthed' before the Long Silence, but hold their creation in a strange regard. They view their creators which they call the Makers, who they view as distinctive divine entities separate from today's humanity as gods who created them to continue their will was they were stricken down. And it is actually the teachings of the old Cellva faith, which created the fundamental ideology of the Priory and which is why many of its most exalted members are of their blood.[/indent] [h3][u]J O T U N[/u][/h3][indent]The Jotun are a genetically engineered variant of humanity, close enough to resemble them in feature but with a cultural identity distinctive enough to separate themselves. Originally bred as soldiers and manual laborers these tower colossus ranged anywhere from eight to twelve fight in height, they are naturally hairless and both males and females posses a pair of large horns that crest the tops of their heads. Most of Jotun live in wandering barbarian tribes in the World Beyond, those that live in the Holdings are typically descendants of tribes that ended up becoming krewes losing their nomadic ways in exchange for income and an easy source of living doing hard work they were typically accustomed to already. Jotun culture is one traditional based upon the gaining and lose of honor and power. A fact that many a poor fool has learned when they accuse a Jotun of cheating or lying, a most terrible insult which most be answered only with the death of one who would say such baseless accusations without proof. A Jotun will never back down from a challenge, they will always want to face a threat with force of will rather than deceit, and they are some of the most stalwart companions a person can find. Just for heavens sake don't try and get into a drinking competition with them.[/indent] [h3][u]U K A N U Q[/u][/h3][indent]More commonly and derogatorily called Snag-Tooths, in their own language Ukanuq means Those of the Claw. The term compress all of the animal kind that was 'raised in sentience by humanity' Before the Long Silence, they were kept as exotic servants, companions and labors. These days, the Ukanuq are seen more as free-loading vagrants and wanderings. The shortest live races with the oldest of their kind living to a meager fifty years, though more often thaan not their lives are cut shorter. Though, they can be varied from fur, to scale, to feather they because of their disenfranchised place in society they tend to group together and all have a sense of unified kinship. Much of the hatred for them comes from the Uknauq Wars some forty years prior, where the resentment and feelings of anger boiled over into full-blown armed conflict that while having been dealt with rather swiftly, many armed guerrilla groups still roam the wilderness intent to fight on for freedom and their place in the world. This of course leads to life for those that choose to coexist and dwell within the bounds of society as something of a general pain, as the actions of their kind make their lives worse, leading to many of them joining up with the guerrillas which only continues to prolong the problem longer. Like the Jotun many of them find work typically as hired-swords.[/indent] [h3][u]C L A N K S[/u][/h3][indent]Clanks is a catch all term for one of any race that has replaced part of their body with a robotic replacement. While the use of remnant technology is commonly accepted as it is the foundation for all of civilization, most cultures believe that the flesh is sacred. This comes from no small part due to the Priory's influence whose own beliefs are based on recovered documentation of conflicts with rogue AIs and other synthetics in the past. And so even in a world where robotic limbs are not that hard to come by, a man is much more likely to live with an amputated arm than he is to get a cybernetic replacement. Clanks as it were are even more ostracized than the Uknaqu, thought of as abominations whose souls have been stolen away by devils. Still doesn't stop people from doing it especially those in career paths where having a gatling gun arm might just be considered useful. [/indent][/hider]