[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CJRf3Yv.png[/img][/center] [center]Your Characters are members of the Vigil. Some of you may have been part of the company for some time, helping protect Mournhold from barbarians and the like. Some of you may be more recent hires looking for a chance to see the world, go on adventure.[/center] ▲[b] Variety is good.[/b] Not everyone in the group is going to be a hardened and grizzled warrior. Not everybody is going to be a young and inexperienced adventure. Not everyone is going to be smart, charming, or whatever. Try and mix it up a bit here people, go beyond the boundaries of stereotypical fantasy heroes and tropes. The Vigil quite literally takes anyone that can swing a sword and those that can't swing a sword as well and teaches them how to do it. ▲[b]Have fun with your backstory.[/b] Yes there is a lot of already well-established places and history in Reforged, but a lot of it has also been left blank for you guys to fill in as you please. I implore you to let your imagination go wild and add towns, cities, tribes, and the like to the world. I present you this canvas and hey if you have a free canvas might as well use it right? ▲ [b]A Note on Equipment.[/b] In an effort to ensure some balance and growth for our characters, characters will be able to start with two pieces of Level III Technology on them. That is either two pieces of combat technology, two pieces of non-combat technology or one of each. Clanks will get one piece of Level III Technology because they already have their cybernetics. Drafters will get none save for their charms and the like, because they already have bracelets that give them telekinesis or rings that shoot fireballs. ▲ [b]Please don't post unaccepted sheets to the CS Tab.[/b] Once again. You may post send a draft of your sheet to me if you want any opinions on it, but for the final review it is only fair that I do it in front of everybody, so when you post your sheet to the OOC, I'm going to consider that your submitted application unless otherwise noted. ▲ [b]Use the CS Template below.[/b] You can just copy and past it from below and fill in the blank color= sections with a color code of your choice. I will tag you when I've completed reviewing your sheet. [hider=CS] [color=cyan][noparse][center]Image goes here [sub][b]Name | Age | Species:[/b] [i]A telling quote[/i][/sub][/center] [sub][color=][H3]Appearance:[/h3][/color][/sub] [indent][indent][color=lightgray]TEXT[/color][/indent][/indent] [sub][color=][H3]History:[/h3][/color][/sub] [indent][indent][color=lightgray]TEXT[/color][/indent][/indent] [sub][color=][H3]Skills:[/h3][/color][/sub] [indent][indent][color=lightgray]TEXT[/color][/indent][/indent] [sub][color=][H3]Equipment:[/h3][/color][/sub] [indent][indent][color=lightgray]TEXT [/color][/indent][/indent] [sub][color=][H3]General Nonsense:[/h3][/color][/sub] [indent][indent][color=lightgray]TEXT[/color][/indent][/indent] [/noparse][/color][/hider] [hr] [SUB][H3][u]NPC LIST[/u][/H3][/SUB] [indent][indent] [b]Helmer Byerel:[/b] Human, Priory Steward, Historian, Archaeologist, Cool Old Guy. [b]Kran:[/b] Vigil Quartermaster, Varkhym Sailor, Mid-To-Late Forties, Sweet Eye Patch. [b]Captain Rika:[/b] Captain of the Vigil, Ventarian, Clank, Rad Robot Arm, Scary. [/indent][/indent]