[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161203/27a034e8ea53c1b04481b19ad78c9a9c.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c08e11f7-3cfd-47ba-8929-88361f1112d2.gif[/img][/center] [center][b][color=DC143C]Location:[/color][/b] Almack’s [b][color=DC143C]Mood Music:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI0tSmarWXM]"Running Up That Hill" by Placebo[/url] [color=DC143C]“And if I only could, make a deal with God. And get him to swap our places. Be running up that road. Be running up that hill. Be running up that building. If I only could, oh...”[/color] [/center][hr][hr] Fyror's slow, cautious steps towards the Grand Duchess Elizaveta were put to a halt as the large tiger's attention turned to him. His muscles tensed and his heart just about leapt out of his chest as it growled at him and angrily bared its teeth. He looked slightly off to the side of it, not wanting to make direct eye contact with it but still wanting to keep it in his peripheral vision. He was impressed at how calm Elizaveta was in the presence of such a powerful creature, a beast that could easily turn on her if it so desired. It was clear that she had some sort of profound connection with it, but that still did not put him entirely at ease or give him a valid reason to let his guard down. No, he would always strive to protect those around him with every ounce of strength he had and with every fiber of his being. That's just who he is, and he wouldn't have it any other way. When the tiger turned its head and looked as if it was about to snap Elizaveta's hand, his jaw clenched and he quickly and determinedly resumed his steps towards them. And just as he started to slide his blade out of its sheathe, the tiger flicked its tongue out, licking the Grand Duchess instead of biting her. The air whooshed out of him in relief, and he stopped once more. He shook his head. He really needed to get a grip. He pushed his blade back into its sheathe with a resigned sigh. His gaze finally left the tiger as another man addressed him. He turned towards Vladimir, ignoring the slight amusement on his brother Leon's face. His brows furrowed slightly at the man's strange words, but Fyror got the gist of it. All the bodies needed to be brought to Elizaveta so that they could be properly dealt with. The last thing they needed was for the deceased to rise again as Soulless. [color=DC143C]“Certainly,"[/color] he stated, nodding his head. He then motioned for Leon to come help him. Just as they started to head out of the room, the Virginia and Mary entered the room carrying a body. Fyror stopped and looked the two women over, checking them for any apparent injuries, before glancing at the victim. And when his gaze finally landed on the lifeless face of Jeanette, he felt his blood run cold. [color=DC143C]“No,"[/color] he choked out. He stood there for a moment, his hands shaking at his sides and his eyes filled with such horror and such pain. His feet felt like blocks of cement as he walked over to Jeanette's lifeless form. He feel to his knees beside her and stared down at her with sorrow filled eyes. [color=DC143C]“No,"[/color] he cried, tears starting to form in his eyes. He gingerly reached out and his fingers lightly grazed Jeanette's cheek, her skin already cool to the touch. The feeling of great sorrow threatened to swallow him whole. Ms. Crane had been one of the first new friends he had made in quite sometime and the first woman to look at him as anything other than damaged or monstrous. [color=DC143C]“I-I fear that I have failed you. P-please forgive me,"[/color] he cried softly. Fyror took in a shuttering breath and pried his gaze away from her. He couldn't remember Jeanette like this, completely lifeless when she had been anything but. He slowly stood up and turned to Virginia and Mary. [color=DC143C]“What happened?"[/color] he inquired sadly. [hr][hr] [hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170105/6f250f0a6ea652257bed529aa7c3eef0.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3o72FhI5yfy7Ke0OXe/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [center][b][color=556B2F]Location:[/color][/b] Almack’s [b][color=556B2F]Mood Music:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSS1nRPpEfE]"Battle Born" by Five Finger Death Punch[/url] [color=556B2F]“Once upon a time, I swore I had a heart, long before the world I know tore it all apart. Once upon a time, there was a part of me I shared, years before they took away the part of me that cared.”[/color] [/center][hr][hr] Thalken walked with purposeful strides out of the Musician's Gallery. While he had physically left behind Lady Crypt and Mary Hale, they were not completely out of mind. His thoughts lingered on what had transpired there. Why was it so hard for him to be a decent human being? He let out a sigh, deciding to bypass the Octagon Antichamber and instead go straight into the ballroom via the Musician's Gallery. From there he would retrace his steps back to the balcony where the Ryne Catherine's decapitated body still laid alongside the body of Jane. "There you are!" he heard his twin sister Thalcona's familiar voice. She had to jog to catch up to him as he walked swiftly. "You haven't gotten into too much trouble, I hope?" she added, looking him over. Thalken just glanced over at her with a look that said [I]'seriously?'[/I] "So, I guess you have," Thalcona replied with a smirk on her face, causing Thalken to let out a grunt of frustration. His sister seemed to find too much fun in irking him. With so few people occupying the ballroom, it did not take long to get to the balcony located on the opposite side of the room. "Woah!" Thalcona exclaimed, eyes widening, as the bloody scene that lay there came into view. Blood covered the floor in large pools of crimson red. Jane's body lay there surrounded by a pool of her own blood that had spilt from her ravaged throat. The perpetrator, the Ryne Catherine, lay nearby with its head no longer attached to its body thanks to Thalken's handy work. "Is that the Ryne you beheaded?" Thalcona asked her brother as they walked up to the lifeless bodies. [color=556B2F]“Yes. Now quit gawking and grab the head. Watch out for the fangs though. I will get the body,"[/color] Thalken responded curtly. Thalcona let out a snort. "Well, don't you know the way to a girl's heart," she stated sarcastically. Regardless, she did what her brother commanded of her, grabbing the decapitated head by the hair. It was heavier than she had expected, but she would manage carrying it just fine. She held it where the face, more particularly the fangs, were pointing outwards. Meanwhile, Thalken hoisted Catherine's headless body onto his shoulder with relative ease. He motioned for Thalcona to follow him. They went back into and through the ballroom to get to the Octagon Antichamber located on the other side. They were a rather disturbing sight to behold, to say the least. Thalken barely paid the others notice as he entered the Octagon Antichamber with the headless body on his shoulder. He unceremoniously laid the body alongside Jeanette's, and Thalcona, in a similar manner, dropped the decapitated head beside its body.