Ross sighed and looked down at where his blade met the earth. "Ki is the blood of all life, and it's controlled by the flow of our emotions. A fickle person can't control the mood swings they go through, and that makes 'em a bad candidate for Ki control. But the complete opposite, although focused, can't even hope to scratch the surface of their own potential," He said sombrely, letting go of his blade's handle. "I was the last to escape Gaia's holy Terra when the reckoning of our people happened. I had to watch as my family and friends killed [i]each other[/i] through a warped will, put into place by that mischievous, conniving little [i]cunt[/i] Adarine. You think I just bottled that up and forgot it ever happened, or pretend like I'm just ok now? I still get upset over that kind of shit [i]to this day[/i], I'm upset about it right now! It's already broken me apart, and I didn't fuckin' resist it, because it's exactly how [i]I should feel.[/i] Nothing can ever change the fact that my sister's dead, and nobody can bring Lark back from beyond this world. I've accepted that, and I've accepted that it wasn't my fault." Ross paused lowered the palm of his hand to sit level, just above his diaphragm, and over his heart. "Everything can be [i]used[/i] as a weapon, but life isn't just about swords, guns, and rocks, and you're not gonna benefit from cuttin' yourself up, right here. Bad stuff's inside of- Well, it's a part of ya. Burying it doesn't just seal off your potential, it fucks with your thoughts and turns you into a [i]chaotic time bomb.[/i]" Ross rose his hand up to his head and tapped on his temple. "I get it, I think. You're just keepin' your body in order. But that kind of [i]order[/i] breeds all sorts of [i]chaos.[/i] Order through chaos is.." Ross stopped himself, and let the phrase speak for itself. The enemy they'd been fighting had found roots within their ranks already, without lifting a finger.