"How foreign d'you think? Compared to the 'backup' we had yesterday?" All things considered, Daisuke was in a bit over his head with the occult knowledge. Had never really been his thing. A few tries at searching the internet hadn't really produced anything useful, either, so this... This was the best source of knowledge he had. Even if Sasori didn't know much, he was still dialed in better than the delinquent. The face didn't bother him. Much. He wouldn't let it. It was simple enough to confront if he accepted simply that it had been defeated. He and Kimiko'd done it once, and they could do it again if they really had to. Even if it was uncomfortable, it was better to try and understand it. So he committed as many of the details as possible to memory during that brief look. "If it vanished fifty plus DRUs, took over them in the first place, and didn't leave a trace... Well, [i]this[/i] thing's dead. I'm as sure as I can get about that with all this. But if it's up there with whatever made them disappear, that's pretty foreign. Even compared to Benkei." He gave Sasori a thoughtful look. "Got a guy you'd talk to for that? 'Cause I've got a lot of questions, and not that many answers." [@Crimmy] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Kafka Komedy]