[hider=just a friendly reminder]Brittany passed a corner, her hands deep into the pockets of her ripped pants, wearing nothing but that and a bandage wrapped around her chest and back on her body for decency, her short hair black with a colored cyan streak in it to look cool, her face glaring forward angrily in a constant frown for maximum delinquency. Had to maintain her image. Except, behind the corner, she walked almost straight into a girl in dark dress and eyepatch, long white hair and clutching a stuffed bunny. Brittany recoiled, she had showed up so suddenly, with an empty expression looking at her. This angered Brittany. [color=cyan]‘Huuuuuuh!?’[/color] She leaned way into the strange girl’s comfort zone, getting up in her face with a loud assertion of dominance. [color=cyan]‘Who’s way do you think you’re getting into, you little-’[/color] It was obvious enough this was another Magical Girl, but- Brittany was suddenly slapped across the face my a tentacle, while another wrapped around her right leg and pulled hard, making her lose balance. Brittany grunted, but the whole thing wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t fallen straight into complete blackness instead of hitting the ground. She stared up in fright, through the portal she had just fallen through to up to where Mariette stood, glaring condescendingly down at her, clutching her bunny. [color=cyan]‘A-AAAAAAA-’[/color] Brittany cried out in despair, reaching up as if to request help from Mariette, but no such aid came. A tentacle wrapped over her mouth and eyes, blinding her, while another wrapped over her outstretched arm and forced it down, and the mass of tentacles carried her into the void as Mariette closed the portal. The girl was gone, swallowed by the ground and all the tentacles that had come from it. [color=1462ba]‘That’s everyone?’[/color] Mariette asked, looking to where she knew Eli was standing, on the roof above. Deni and Eli, both in harpy forms, jumped off the roof and stretched their wings to glide down, Deni grinning as usual while Eli looked more focused. Immediately upon landing, Eli pulled out her notebook while Deni playfully inspected where Brittany had fallen through. [color=57a345]‘Brittany Carroll, so called Uberos Antique, claimed.’[/color] Eli noted, writing a note. [color=57a345]‘That’s the last regular Magical Girl on our list.’[/color] She then nodded, confirming to Mariette. [color=57a345]‘We’re done.’[/color] So said with a note of finality. Mariette felt a brief note of relief at that. Their gift to Justine and Caroline was just about ready. Only the special request to go. [color=ff00d0]‘Oy. She was a Darkness-specialized stealth-girl, said to be untraceable, few people even knows what she looks like. Even transformed, close combat’s not her forté. She’s been so careful to keep her normal state a secret. Yet, her immediate instinct upon being faced with an unknown magical girl while untransformed was to get up in her face. Why, do you think?’[/color] Deni looked down curiously at the not-portal asphalt the girl had vanished through. [color=57a345]‘Flawed personality… perhaps.’[/color] Eli sighed, and Deni just grinned. [color=57a345]‘Regardless, being so sneaky about herself made her an excellent target to just vanish without a trace and nobody caring.’[/color] [color=ff00d0]‘Yeah, well, it worked out for us~!’[/color] Deni simply commented, looking up and to the other two. [color=ff00d0]‘Now, about an hour before we’re to be at The Pit Stop! We’re totally in time! We’re going, right? We’re not just going to leave them hanging, right?’[/color] Deni grinned, obviously looking forward to it. [color=1462ba]‘…’[/color] Mariette stood silent, for a bit. She had already spoken a bit about this with the Djinn Sisters after having sent the twins away on missions, because there was a bit to discuss, but now to share it with these two as well. [color=1462ba]‘I remind that our last meeting wasn’t friendly. There is a chance this is an ambush, and even if it isn’t, this won’t be just a friendly dinner. There’s likely a purpose to wanting to see us. I will hear them out. But we’ll take precautions. Here’s what we’ll do…’[/color] Mariette declared, and then started telling her plan, Eli listening carefully while Deni’s grin just grew wider and wider, liking what she was hearing.[/hider]