[b][H2][Center][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/center][/H2][/b] [center][@Lmpkio][@The 42nd Gecko][/center] Henry waved his hand lazily and his eyes flashed Silver, a ham sandwich falling into Miyu's hand after she mentioned she was hungry. [color=steelblue]"I must say, I really did a number on this pier. Looks like a scene out of one of those human cartoons I saw a couple hundred years ago. Aneemay I think it was called?"[/color] Henry mused as he pulled a spear out of the pier and tossed it up in the air a few times to test its weight. He really created some quality weapons with his Silver Eyes, he could see this being wielded by commanders in the army and he had created enough for an army with a thought. Suddenly Henry felt danger from behind and shifted back into battle mode. [b]"ATTACK."[/b] As the voice of Zeruel boomed from behind him Henry caught the spear one last time and threw it as hard as he could at Zeruel. One of the grunts got in the way and took the spear for Zeruel unfortunately, but that was still one less annoyance to deal with. [color=steelblue]"I hold no grudge against you, yet. I've left the Demons and hold allegiance to nobody. So fuck off before I have to put down you and your dogs."[/color] [b]"BRING MIYU TO ME ALIVE. KILL THE OTHER TWO HEATHENS."[/b] At this was said Henry narrowed his eyes and opened up a Gate, pulling out his Cheater's Blade and entering a loose combat stance. [color=steelblue]"I change my mind, if you're trying to take my bodyguard then I'll gladly kill you. Miyu, Fran, take out the trash. I'll handle the giant walking mass of ego."[/color] He then began to sprint towards Zeruel to begin battle, forming a suit of armor around himself as he ran.