Deep within Yim, beyond the veil of the physical world, lied a dimension of tall, crooked trees and rivers of pale red liquid. A hostile, stagnant swamp, that stretched as far as the eye could see. In the sky, a grey stone illuminated the area. Very few things called this place their home, and even less could survive day by day. Strong amalgamates, who were suited to survive in the red swamp, lead under the flag of a S-ranked Amalgamate. Weaker Amalgamates, who found themselves hunted and slaughtered by the stronger ones. Then, in a black tower, and several bunkers dotting the landscape, the Children of Kodo'Yim, who called the place their home. [hr] [color=82ca9d]Xenan.[/color] Sallix said, [color=82ca9d]It's time to meet with her.[/color] The green knight's tone carried little emotion, maybe leaning slightly towards concern or fear. His back to Sallix, Xenan watched as a group of Amalgamates hunted each other down, the strong hunting the weak, the weak trying for their lives to fight back. Physical world or magic world, nature was all the same. Replying, Xenan was nonplussed, paying more attention to his view than the topic at hand. [color=630460]...And? You think I'm afraid?[/color] [color=82ca9d]The mission to stop the intruders at the Gustrag Manor was a failure and the Queen wishes to speak with us-[/color] [color=630460]The Queen would never punish her Elite. It was out of our hands. Gustrag is the one at fault here.[/color] Xenan said, beginning to move out. [color=630460]You fear the Queen, Sallix. Most of all you fear failure. Unlike you, I don't fear either.[/color] Silently shaking his head, the green knight followed Xenan. Down to the ground level of the tower, down to the subbasement, through a long tunnel leading to a large gate. Waiting here was the other two Elites. The amalgamate rider, Master Ku, and the illusionist, Gallette. [color=9e0039]We've been waiting. The Queen is getting impatient.[/color] Master Ku barked, annoyed at the two's tardiness. With a huff, he pushed open the gates, into the QUeen's chambers. The Queen's chambers possessed a similar appearance to the rest of the world. A large, ankle deep pool of red liquid, gnarled roots and vines growing on the walls, on the room was the same type of stone that illuminated the sky of the outside. Even though they were underground, the whole room was almost identical to the outside. [color=9e0039]Hmph... You two took too long. Looks like she's asleep.[/color] Master Ku said, stepping through the crimson pool, pointing to a large, ornate throne in the center of the room. [i][color=ed145b]Then wake me[/color][/i] Came a deep voice. The red liquid that cover the floor began to shift and undulate. All of it, moving and condensing into one spot, even the droplets that splashed on the Elite's clothes as they entered moved with the rest of the pool, all of it condensing into a thick red blob. Then, the red blob began to shift and twist, shake and bubble. The red liquid became flesh, blood becoming skin and teeth, transforming from a simple ball of blood, into a towering biomass of bone, flesh, muscle, and organs. Then, it transformed once more, condensing down, smoothing itself out. Multiple mouths closing up, leaving only a single one where a human's mouth should be. It began to take on a more human shape, or rather, a more beastkin shape. The form the biomass had transformed into was unmistakable for your average beastkin woman in Kokotha, a petite frame, a pair of ram like horns, standing bare before the 4 elites, she smirked, speaking in a much more effeminate voice than the earlier words. [color=ed145b]Bow before your Queen.[/color] [color=ed145b][h2]Children's Leader: The Laughing Queen[/h2][/color] Like clockwork, the 4 bowed down, each of them taking a knee, and bowing their heads, as the queen sat on her throne. Almost in sync, they were at her mercy. [color=00a99d]My Queen...[/color] Galette spoke, shaking. [color=ed145b]Silence.[/color] The Queen said, her voice haughty in tone, [color=ed145b]So tell me two things, Sallix. Just two things... What was your mission and how did it go?[/color] [color=82ca9d]To stop the thievery of the information at Manor Gustrag... It ended in failure. Both groups escaped, one through Yim and the other from where they came.[/color] [color=ed145b]Exactly. Truer words could not be said: "A failure."[/color] She shook her head, [color=ed145b]Next, tell me, Xenan. The coup with Gotthard? What was the plan and what was the result?[/color] [color=92278f]Very well, my Queen. He started his own group to break away from the Old Path. We used him, in order to cause fights amongst the Old Path and possibly the other factions of Kokotha. To weaken them... It resulted in failure as well, my Queen.[/color] [color=ed145b]Very well. Thank you, Xenan. But don't see this one as a failure on only your part, but mine as well.[/color] She said, getting up from her throne to approach Xenan. [color=ed145b]After all, I did spark it. Came to Gotthard with promises of power. Infiltrated the Old Path~[/color] She said with a smirk, [color=ed145b]They needed a Queen figure to listen to after all and Gotthard wanted power~ Oh but he got his and is left a shell of a broken man, hiding out somewhere in the wild. We created a ripple here, not a splash, remember that, my Children.[/color] The Queen approached her throne once more. [color=ed145b]Rise up![/color] Then, as quickly and synchronized as they bowed the Elites rose up, [color=ed145b]My Elites! Let this be your lesson. Spread the word to the other Elites. Spread it to the rest of the Children. We don't accept failure, we take it from its mantle, and gain strength from it. We learn from it. Many of your identities our out, use this to grow better at hiding. You failed in combat, use it to grow stronger. We are the future of Magic and Yim. A world that will slowly fade.[/color] As the Queen made her speech, the 4 saluted her. In tandem, announced their mantra, [color=ed145b]Serve the Queen, Follow the King, We are the Children of Kodo'Yim.[/color] Thus, in her heart, the Queen only felt ambition.