[quote=@AlShayatin] Alright, I am curious if you could make an exception for a defecting German? He is a little over the age limit^^ [hider= If allowed][center][img]http://imgur.com/ziBAoxv.jpg[/img] Name Gerhard von zur Burg Age 48 Gender Male Birth-date / Location 2APR1900 Height 6'1'' Weight 90kg/200lbs Appearance Slightly bulky, long limbs and broad shoulders.Tends to move a little inverted, tries to hide his strong physique. Though his brown eyes might seem warm his glance is lurking. Personality Gerhard is a WW1 veteran but unlike others he didn´t suffer from shell shock or from the aftermath of gas attacks, he keeps a cold attitude in leadership only feeding other soldiers as much empathy as he sees fit. In his private life he is a warm person and a father of 3 children. Disobedience from soldiers, no matter whether his subordinates or comrades, and failure as its result is seen by him as a disgrace. Relationships None, has no contact to his family at the given moment. Classification Combat Engineer -Weapons [list] [*] MP40 [*] M1911 (trophy) [*] Magnetmine (Magnetic AT mine) [*] Stielgranate (German grenade) [*] langer Dolch (long dagger) [/list] Experimental Gear "Drachenfeuer"-a flame thrower per say, but not an ordinary one. Ordinary flame throwers use a mixture of gasoline, ignited by an open flame and have the reach of a few yards. They are prone to bullet impacts and pose a liability for the carrier and the people surrounding him/her. Drachenfeuer is a experimental Flammenwerfer which Gerhard stole, prior to defecting, it uses two separate tanks. One filled with a oil and tar mixture, the other a solvent on the basis of muriatic and nitric acid which allows the thick and sticky mixture to move trough the pipes at all. Between those tans sits a small bottle of compressed CO, with a container full of magnesium solution underneath it.When activated the Oil and Acid first come together to create a liquid mass, which is then channeled trough a chamber. Inside that chamber the magnesium solution is added while the CO pressure is also applied, that way the mixture shoots trough the tube and is ignited upon exit. It burns a lot hotter thanks to the magnesium and it is almost impossible to put out due to the features of oil and tar. Background Gerhard was born into a relatively unknown royal family, though they did not posses many lands they were still resourceful, thanks to their investments into the Messerschmidt and TysonKrup companies. Gerhard grew up well protected by his mother an strictly disciplined by his father, at the age of 9 his father signed him into a Boxing club and a "Alte Kampfkunst" school. That´s where Gerhard , previously too well fed by his mother and kept from all evil, found interest in cold weapons and in fighting hand to hand.Simultaneously his father started to teach him how to hunt. His good genetics made him progress in both clubs and he developed a good form trough exercising. With 16 Gerhard signed into the Heer, much against his mothers will but also with lots of approval from his father. He fought the last two years of first great war, as a Schütze where he honed his shooting skills which earned him a Scharfschütze badge in the last 4 months of the conflict. After the war Gerhard went back to the clubs and started education in the Duisburg university where he studied weapon engineering and chemistry. During Hitler´s first Putsch in 1923 Gerhard was no follower, but the men of the SA sparked his interest so he started to observe the movement in the following years while working in a weapons factory. In 1929, when the economy crisis hit germany and the NSDAP started to gain popularity, Gerhard was a unemployed veteran holding a two degrees, that caught the attention of a SA Sturmbahnführer. Gerhard was recommended into their Ranks where he served from Truppführer up to a Sturmführer. He witnessed the rise of the 3rd Reich and gained popularity within the SA ranks, for his loyalty and commitment. In 1939 Gerhard caught wind of a new unique and elite unit being formed within the Reich, he immediately applied. The approval followed and he was implemented into 6th SS Division in Yugoslavia, after his qualifications were assessed. Later he served in the 35th SS Division in Poland and the Baltic states after cross training with Japanese allies. Towards, what seemed the end of the war in about 1943, Gerhad von zur Burg was promoted to the rank of a SS-Hauptsturmführer and tasked with taking command of a company of the 36th SS Grenadier Division "Dirlewagner". It was the most notorious and brutal division of the Reich, known for their brutality against civilian population.Only after seeing those men in action for two years, a small spark of disbelief ignited a fire of resistance in him. He held much pride in his honor as a soldier, but what they did..no soldier should do. Or he´d lose the right to call himself one. The decision was quick, rational and final, one night Gerhard just packed his things and left in the cover of dark. Nobody knew that he defected the soviets, except the MKVD. Experience 1916-1918 IWW 1929-1939 NCO in the Sturmabteilung 1939-1947 Officer in the Schutz Staffel Family Mother:Maria von zur Burg-deceased Father: Ludwig von zur Burg-deceased Wife: Matilda Ebing- lives in his family estate in Mittenwald Children: Josefina(16), Franz(12), Sepp(6)- live with their mother Theme Song -[/center][/hider] [/quote] Eeeeeeeh, I guess we can have one over the age limit. We do have a German Defector already, but I like this.