[@Write] [B]Gratia Mindaro - Behind the Café[/B] "[color=66cd00]Pay her back by staying safe.[/color]" Gratia Mindaro gently removed her hand from the pale, shaking grasp of her friend. There was more that needed to be said, to be properly addressed rather than left to fucking rot at the wayside, but there was nothing further that could be done right now. As much as it pained her, she couldn't keep pushing now. One goal had been already been accomplished. She could still handle the rest at a later date. "[color=66cd00]You're not okay,[/color]" she continued, her onyx eyes seeming to stare quietly at Nuit. "[color=66cd00]But you [i]will[/i] recover.[/color]" She would make sure of it. "[color=66cd00]Go take care of whatever bullshit you have now. But we [i]will[/i] be going over your options.[/color]"