[hider=Harvey Rayner][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/307628337310859270/335664198040289290/Harvey_Aesthetic.png[/img] [color=d40000]Harvey Cain Rayner[/color] • [color=d40000]Age: 19[/color] • [color=d40000] College Student[/color] • [color=d40000]Ross Butler[/color] [/center] [color=d40000]A p p e a r a n c e [/color] [indent] When someone takes a look at Harvey for the first time, they will see a stunning man. Standing at a slightly above average height of six feet and two inches with broad shoulders, Harvey can seem imposing to some. He has a tight core and lean legs that were used to run track in high school. As such, while his arms still have some muscle to them, they aren’t the most developed, however, they look good regardless. While a few people may be off-put by his strong physique, his inviting smile will surely bring them around. Harvey’s face is framed nicely with a square jaw line, and with a big, white smile, he becomes easily approachable. Harvey’s soft walnut eyes only add to his friendly persona. Harvey strives to, and succeeds in, emanating a strong yet kind aura. While his physique is impressive, it’s Harvey’s wardrobe that he takes the most pride in. Black and dark-blue tailored suits that emphasize his already broad shoulders and slim waist, line his closet. An assortment of dark-colored ties help accentuate the suits along with fitted dress shoes. For casual wear, Harvey dons button down dress-shirts with rolled up sleeves, a sleeveless vest, blue jeans, and more casual, though still dressy, footwear. Harvey wears a simple yet simple watch on his right hand.While it may seem redundant to many, Harvey also carries a pocket watch. However, the watch bears sentimental value as it belong to his grandfather. Harvey has no piercings, and wears no rings. The rest of his outfit consists of scarves, beanies, and overcoats for chillier months. [/indent] [color=d40000]P e r s o n a l i t y[/color] [indent] A real gentleman at heart, Harvey is a man that was raised well and learned from his father how to act. He brings an old world charm to the new age, and it definitely shows. Harvey gives everyone a modicum of respect upon first meetings, and will be especially courteous around members of the opposite sex. To his superiors and elders, Harvey will always add a “sir,” or “ma’am” at the end of each sentence unless told otherwise. Even then, breaking the habit might take him a bit. Harvey rarely uses harsh language. The only times he will is when alcohol is involved, but he won’t ever drink enough to hinder any of his abilities. While Harvey might not go to every party in town, he’s certainly social. Even with the few years of bullying he had to put up with, Harvey still manages to be quite open and outgoing. He’s willing to strike up a conversation with anyone and make new friends. To be fair, the act of getting a girlfriend wouldn’t be too difficult for Harvey. At least, trying to wouldn’t. He can definitely approach women and ask them out, but he hasn’t quite seemed to find the right woman to ask out just, yet. Furthermore, Harvey is not the one to sleep around, either. Yes, he’s had fun with a woman or two, but you won’t find Harvey fooling around with every girl he sees. While he may not have naughty fun as much as some, Harvey isn’t afraid to flirt with the ladies. If he learns, she’s in a relationship, he’ll immediately stop, but as long as she’s single, Harvey could and might flirt. Overall, Harvey is a gentleman that was raised right by his parents and still knows how to have fun in the new age. Whether it’s using his manners during a formal meeting, or simply having a good time at the biggest party, Harvey knows how to work the crowd, and have a good influence. Though, maybe a little [i]too[/i] good. . . [/indent] [color=d40000]B i o g r a p h y[/color] [center]"[color=d40000]I always try to act and look my best. As they say, ‘first impressions are lasting’[/color]"[/center] [indent]So, we’ve got another new guy coming to town. What is it with all the new meat lately? Fear not, my dears, ‘cause I got the scoop for you. Spotted: Harvey Cain Rayner… And what a name! According to my oh-so-reputable sources, this guy was born to a lovely couple on the opposite side of the country in the glorious city of San Fran. His dad, William Rayner, was a small time lawyer that never quite seemed to get that big case that would blow his career wide-open. And his mom, Abigail Rayner, was a good little middle school teacher. Life sounded perfectly fine for little Harvey growing up. Not until his junior high days did they find out he was a real braniac. Scoring top marks on all the big aptitude tests and such, this guy was on the early track to becoming whatever he wanted. Once high school came around, however, life started to go downhill for brilliant Harvey. You see, our new favorite Asian started getting picked on for being oh-so smart. The teens at school would call him a nerd, throw his books around, and do all sorts of bullying tropes. Aren’t teens great? But good ol’ Harvey was a defiant little fella, and stuck through all the bullshit that was thrown at him while his high school years droned on. Then, in his senior year of highschool, life got better for the Rayners. Willy must’ve impressed someone on the up-and-up, ‘cause he got a good gig working here on the ole’ Upper East Side with a big-time law firm. His mom obtained a job at a private school system and Harvey was able to complete high school in a decent private school. He scored so well on all the major tests, he was given an academic scholarship to Columbia. This guy’s got some brains on him! So he’s got well-off parents, goes to the college to be at, has great looks, and the brains to back it up. I say he’s gonna fit right in around here… If he can handle all the juicy gossip that flows around here, that is. But if you ask me -and let’s be honest, you are- something just doesn’t seem right about this new guy. Not sure what it is, but hey, that’s what I’m here to find out, and you can bet you’ll hear it here first when I learn what that is. XOXO , Gossip Girl[/indent][/hider]