Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the internet! I am the new girl here. You may call me Tamani, or Lynette. I have so far survived for 21 of your earth years. (But fear not, I am a perfectly normal HIYOOO-man) I have a little rp experience, but a lot of writing experience. But I don't like to write super lengthy stuff, so I might check out the Free RP Section first. I like the strange and unusual. I like fantasy. I like sci-fi. I like monsters with humanity, humans with monstrous qualities, dark gods, inspirational devils, and other paradigmatic paradoxes. I am also interested in some aspects of romance (18+). Well, that's about it for now. Would you like to get to know me bettter or if you have any advice or ideas for a newbie, that would be pretty great! ~Tamani