(The day before) Karis sat at her desk, her bloodshot eyes not once moving from the screen. “This bot…” She murmurs to herself seeing how no one else is in the study with her. So many thoughts ran through Karis’ mind, so much information she needs. So many files need to be added to her collection. She needed to find out everything she can about that bot. Karis’ right hand moved off the keyboard to grab her scotch. The now warm liquid ran down her throat as she reads on and on about this AI… Unit number 0.18462958… so amazingly made. His programming; it must be extraordinary. All she could think about is she must need to find this AI and get to understand all the workings, both inside and out. Both hands are back to typing and her eyes never once blinking. She craved the information. She couldn’t live without knowing what possessed this bot. She slammed her hands down on her desk with a grunt. “Ian!” She calls out, beckoning her… assistant, for lack of a better word. He came running in as fast as he could. “You called, ma’am” He states the second he’s in the room. “I need you to get me all my files on Katherine Saunders.” She says bluntly before turning back to the computer and back to reading on Unit 0.18462958.