[@Chapatrap] here is the most recently updated map (on the discord not OOC) [img]http://i.imgur.com/OzwItN8.png[/img] The tannish-colour without any names is empty space available for players. The large Tannish space to the west is mostly a good idea to be Justinian in, as its within the Justinian sphere of influence and you'll be surrounded by Justinians. You could theoretically be a 'last stand' type Yuwanist or Red Pantheon there, but not a good idea if you want to play a stable, powerful or low-risk nation. If you want to go Red Pantheon, I suggest the far north-east. If Yuwanist, north-east or that island above Lamash(orange in the east) is available. We currently have a lot of Justinians and Yuwanists but still need more Justinians to fill in that empty space in the west. You can be the other two factions if you want. There are currently some forest based nations already (one is a Justinian nation that conquered dryad/satyr/nymph lands while another is a Yuwanist wood elf democracy). This does not make the idea unusable though.