[@The Jest] Price looked at him. "Price." He said with a smile. [hr] [@The Jest] Hunter looked at Nagito to listen to him, but had nothing more to say. Instead, he just continued to watch the fight between the dinosaurs. [hr] Arin turned to raise his tail like he was gonna whack it, but his tail collided with Shadowsaur's. He was getting even more annoyed at how this particular shadow kept matching his every move. Growling in frustration, he backed up a bit before opening his mouth to release a bunch of ice at the shadow. Shadowsaur looked surprised at this, but was still willing to fight. It went to move its own tail only to find he could not. It looked at its tail which was covered in ice. [hr] [@The Jest] Golden heard the roar too, but was sure it had nothing to do with them. He had make sure his minions were doing as told. "It's of no concern to me, but you can go check it out if you wish. I have other matters to attend to." He then resumed watching the fight between his minions and Joey. Joey was fighting off as many of these mechanical werewolves as he could. He wondered if there was cliff somewhere. He was not scared, but still thought his 'running with style' method would be the best option for now.