"I see." Tharraleos began with a series of nods, lower minor arms crossing. The actual sight of Steer had yet to be seen, but the bird cat was fairly confident he knew where the hidden human was. "Your bullet striking me was a mere accident, it seems. I have no intentions of accepting your offer, but still hold respect for such." He went on. Twisting his smaller bipedal torso somewhat, the deer carcass fell into view. Extending one of his arms towards the animal, it began floating unsupported through the air and towards the hybrid. "Now. Take your kill and proceed with your day." He stated, carrying the prey more towards where he was convinced the chi manipulator was situated. It seemed he was aware of how humans tended to be. This one was an obvious threat what with his noisy tool of death. Besides, why settle for a common dear when 2,700 pounds of meat just came your way. Not to mention the sight curing properties of his feathers and poison detecting talons. Even though he was more than a capable warrior and revelled in battle, it typically acts as a last resort to put foolish mortals in their place. If he can just carry on without unneeded bloodshed, that'd be more preferred, but mot possible, as previous events have told him. [@Metal Tortoise]