It's kinda difficult to give specifics on damage. The most I can do is say light, moderate, etc. Other people's characters have differing resistances and inconsistencies are inevitable. Besides, all he does is punch people for the most part. Not like it's that complicated. It seems he's just too resourceful. Besides, it's not like all that he has doesn't make sense. I mean, the psionics might be a bit much, but they're there too emphasize his mental strength. Doc is right though regarding OPness. 5 minutes is a bit extensive, but I've never exceeded 10 Reserves in an RP. The ludicrous amounts he can reach are more for my personal stories or if an opponent allows such. To add to the debate, it's all about responsibility and respect for characters. Sure Tharr can be perceived as too powerful and would be bland in a story environment. But with proper characterization, I can compellingly give him struggle and conflict despite his great power and apparent perfection. Also, Doc, what'd be the status of that character of yours? This discussion has me a bit more pumped to fuck shit up. Edit Final afterthought conceived. It's about entertainment. I believe he's reasonably overpowered and grossly resourceful. Almost harboring power of a big bad, but preferring neutrality and discontent with anything but his own. Having something like that can provide some fun times if given chance to grow. Having extra muscle to throw around is never a bad thing, either.