Done, did it~ [hider=Rupert] [center] [hr][hr] [img][/img] [sub]"I do this funny thing of when I convince myself I give enough of a fuck and then that dwindles away so I get stuck in a situation that I'm not particularly interested in, just like this conversation we're having right now, k thanks bye, sad face, kitty paw."[/sub] [hr] [h2][color=00aeef]Rupert Puckett[/color][/h2] [/center] [color=00aeef][b]Full Name|[/b][/color] Rupert Ingrid Puckett [color=00aeef][b]Nickname(s)|[/b][/color] Pertie / boy RIP (Jockey name/Pseudonym) / Satan's Virgin Bride [color=00aeef][b]Gender|[/b][/color] Male [color=00aeef][b]Age|[/b][/color] 24 [color=00aeef][b]Birthday|[/b][/color] April 15 [color=00aeef][b]Education/Job|[/b][/color]Major: Journalism, Minor: Mass Communication, Occupation: Radio Jockey [color=00aeef][b]Room Number|[/b][/color] 4F [color=00aeef][b]How long have you been staying in Suncrest?|[/b][/color] 2 weeks and a half [hr][hr] [center] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [/center] [center][h3]About[/h3][/center] [color=00aeef][b]Appearance|[/b] [/color] [indent] Minimalist chic, is what he calls it, it's when someone wears an outfit that passes off well enough as fashionable but doesn't necessarily interfere with comfort. He's usually spotted wearing plain t shirts, button downs or collared shirts under flannels, vests, cardigans, or hoodies. For bottoms, she usually wears shorts, or pants, mostly anything above the knees but he does occasionally put on skin tight pants and may wear some one-piece clothing if he feels cute in them. He has a pair or two of eyeglasses, he occasionally wears them when he's too tired to put contact lenses on, he has a particularly terrible eyesight. His feet is usually comforted by sneakers, boots, flats and dress shoes... does he wear heels? Uhm, hunty, this gurl moves around and he doesn't want any pain on those precious twinkles. 5'8 ft of destruction and noise. He has a small pentagram on his left bicep. There are times when he dyes his hair blonde because it makes him feel like a different person and "there are just times that you have to escape yourself, you know what I mean? It's just a thing that happens okay, l e t m e l i v e."[/indent] [color=00aeef][b]Interests|[/b][/color] [indent]-TALKING(he's big on conversations, he can keep one going for hours... maybe even a whole day) -The presence of people -Cafes and coffee, never tea.. blech. -Music (SHOW TUNES, INDIE POP, Sad songs that make you weep inside) -Movies -Comics/Graphic Novels -Entertainment news (mostly the "geek" stuff) -Literature (lives for it) -Pop culture (in general) -Morbid humor -Gossip -Singing (did anyone say Karaoke?)[/indent] [color=00aeef][b]Fears|[/b][/color] [indent]-Losing his voice, figuratively and literally. -Losing a fight, or control in a situation. -Dogs[/indent] [color=00aeef][b]Sexuality|[/b] Homosexual[/color] [color=00aeef][b]Personality|[/b] [/color] [indent] Rupert is a boy of many words, he can literally talk for hours on end and has a very good sense of working people into and out of things which is a very helpful skill in his choice of a career. This makes him a bit unbearable for some people, especially those who are fond of the quiet and silence. The boy has become a bit of a compulsive liar. He is the kind of person who would be the first to greet you in a room full of people, the one who would attend to you the moment you enter his proximity; the fact that he talks a lot doesn't mean he forgets to listen though and he does his best to stay observant, sometimes even calculating. Because of his upbringing and being a neglected middle child, Rupert has always thrived and strive for attention. There's this impulse for him to always say what he thinks, even if it's unwarranted. He's a street-smart type of a person, who always feels like he comes up short with the academic intellect and feels very conscious about it. His need to always be in control of a situation sometimes turns him intimidating and bossy, he's not really that aware of it, his friends are too scared to call him out but he does catch himself sometimes... but barely cares. He hates being on the losing side and has trouble coming to terms with defeat. His being gabby is a sort of defense mechanism, if he doesn't let out words from his mouth, he tends to implode and be antsy. He's easily consumed by his head when left alone, this is why he loves noise and crowds because he can just easily lose himself in the chaos of it all. Although when he does have no choice then he just writes his thoughts down on paper, thus, the odd stories on his notebook; this is to let his thoughts flow somewhere else than let them implode. Pertie is your typical neglected middle child with a rebellious streak striving to be an... almost decent person, or whatever passes as a friend you can call in times of need, for a little exchange sometimes.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=6ecff6][center][h3]History[/h3][/center][/color] [color=00aeef][b]Biography|[/b][/color] [indent] Rupert's childhood was a bit difficult, having always been stuck in the sidelines because of the middle-child syndrome, he never really felt adequate about his self because his older sister's achievements always overpowered his. It was bearable and simple at first, his parents are naturally fond of kids but being busy doctors with people to save and details to attend, attention has always been lacking. Things just got harder as he grew up and upon realization, he knew he had to fight for the attention and that mediocrity was not a trait his family approves of. There's something fiercely sad about feeling under appreciated by your parents, when that's all you've ever asked for. Pertie was never book-smart and although he never failed classes and sure, he's had some remarkable A's, in the Puckett household that's sub-par and straight A's are just standard. His relationship with his siblings or the lack thereof is something he has been trying to remedy recently and is turning out to be a struggle, because apparently 15 years of being distant is not something you can just fix right away, who'd've thunk?! With over-achieving siblings, a younger brother currently taking up medicine and a lawyer as a sister, Pertie's leaning towards the liberal arts is a sort of way to get his parent's attention. Having come to terms with the fact that he can't outsmart his siblings academic-wise, and having skills beyond the books and the grits, he's realized that he can beat them in other areas. It has worked somehow, his parents actually remembered his birthday for 3 years straight... although he wasn't sure if that's because they've been on facebook, so it's still a work in progress. Rupert's love for pop culture and the arts has always been a sort of safe haven and it is the one thing that made life more bearable so he decided that maybe through that very thing he knows best, he can finally show his parents his worth. He started building a portfolio and a youtube vlog documenting his thoughts and opinions with various multimedia quirks thrown in. Later on and with conviction, he entered Washington Uni taking Journalism as his major, planning to build up on what he has began. He was determined to do exceedingly well, It's never just a task for Rupert, it's always a competition. For the first year of uni, Rupert has been staying at the Puckett house and it was convenient at first but then deadlines became a maddening thing and transportation was a bit of hassle so he had to live somewhere closer. For the next two years after that, his then best friend-love-of-his-life and his own little ass rented a little flat they found on craigslist in the little town of Suncrest. After a year into Uni, he found himself volunteering for the graveyard shift at the community radio and that was when "boy RIP" was born, breaking in the nightly gossip with a little helping of actual news at 10 in the pm. Who would have thought that a year into university would make him realize that he's just not the best at a lot of things? Singing? Acting? Writing? Performing? BEING ALIVE? He was feeling sub-par and for a while, that felt like hell but then he gradually started coming to terms with it. Things were going well, which was a new normal for the somehow-achiever and the community radio has been getting some recognition, both good and controversial sometimes bad, his days at the Uni is almost through but there's still a little dillemma about what specific career path to take. Money was never a problem because he has rich parents who gives him finances as long as he stays out of their hair and out of trouble, but then things went sour after sometime in the flat so now his roommate turned ex boyfriend slash heartbreak #1 kicked him out after a little altercation. Rupert's psyche is a bit of a mess at this point and he needs to figure his shit out and fast, he can't be graduating with loose ends and a cluttered head. He spotted a little ad about some open slots at this "Suncrest Heights" -a place for living and getting his grip on life back, maybe. And so, the lost boy starts anew.[/indent] [color=00aeef][b]A Memory|[/b] [/color] [indent] There was this haunting presence that was presented to him when he was 15, it was an evening alone at the Puckett house. The windows displayed an almost alienating presence of snow that engulfed the entirety of town and it felt like he was completely alone. He was always used to having someone around, even just that slight presence in the air; like the house help or a visiting cousin, or just his siblings. But that night, he came home late from class and everyone else has left to get dinner and got stuck in the snowstorm. Something struck Rupert inside from this deafening silence that sits in the air and before he knew it, the noise in his head started to override the presence of the silence, it was one thought after another, discomfort that left a bitter taste in the mouth. Maybe it was the overwhelming influx of thoughts, maybe it was the feeling of drowning in that space of being alone and that suffocating silence but it was almost like the world was dissipating and he was shrinking into himself, no, like the world was shrinking into him and he's about to get crushed, and the cold was about to freeze his heart off and that static came in, ringing louder and louder and he could feel his pulse, like blood was about to burst out from his fingertips. It was his first time experiencing a sensory overload and he couldn't do anything. Before he knew it he was running for the front door, fighting the shut down, hitting his shin on the edge of a table, cutting a wound open then 'click'. They were home, he stood there motionless for a moment then fell on his knees, it was only then that he noticed the wet dripping down his cheeks. That was the one moment since he came home bruised and black-eyed from a fight in 2nd grade that he saw the concern in their eyes. "Pertie!" both his siblings cried, his father picked him up, her mother ran for the med kit, his eyes closed but a fulfilling warmth followed, his last thought -"This is what it takes?" followed by a pang in his heart. [/indent] [color=00aeef][b]Struggles|[/b][/color] [indent]The thing about not keeping at least a few good friends around is not having a few good friends around when you've been knocked down and over by life and needing some sort of emotional support, the one bestfriend you've been keeping is now just another stranger who also sort of hates you because you both messed up and your not exactly in talking terms with your siblings or your parents or anyone in general. But hey, there are always strangers to make sort of friends out of... if they figure you're not as terrible as what your blabbermouth makes you out to be. And also, there's always uni and schoolwork and your graveyard shift to drown yourself in but oh my god, you're actually feeling very delicate and on edge so big whoop. [i]But you know what, You always figure things out, it's just another thing that happens, it's whatever, grin face, side eye, wink face.[/i][/indent] [color=00aeef][b]Family|[/b] [/color] [indent][u]Father: Otto Puckett,[/u] A Pediatrician, works very hard. Loves kids, can not tolerate teenagers. Would do anything for his wife. The most concerned about Rupert in the family, does try to reach out to him every so often but to no avail. Mother: [u]Zygmunty Puckett,[/u] A surgeon, the busiest in the family. Iron Lady, very strict with her kids but does enjoy their company every so often. Loves his husband very much. Has a hard time understanding Rupert, is very upset about him and is also a bit against his homosexuality. Siblings: Sister: [u]Hannah Ilyse Puckett,[/u] an over-achieving lawyer. Can be very cold and calculating, cares about her family very much. Haven't been in a romantic relationship ever. Is probably the closest Rupert has to a friend at the moment but she is too busy to attend to him. The most emotionally open in the family. Brother: [u]Hansel Aleph Puckett[/u], 2 years younger than Rupert, is studying to become a Psychiatrist. Looks up to his older siblings and respects his parents the most. Values honesty and loves listening to Rupert ramble, but does have trouble reciprocating attention to him. Knows the most about Rupert even though they're not necessarily friends, they tolerate each other if anything. Rupert thinks he's a bit too stuck up and dogmatic. [/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=00aeef][b]Theme Song: [/b][/color] [youtube][/youtube] [color=00aeef][b]Extras:[/b][/color] Has a little thing with writing short stories/sketches that usually ends in a comically tragic death Collects stickers but never sticks them on anything, just has this overflowing pouch full of em [/hider]