A-3 was curious about the behavior of the sentients. He had been attacked several times by multiple anomalies and decided to make a temporary bunker to return to while he observed everything. He put near the tavern everybody is attracted to so he could observe them and help them should the need arrive. So he continued watching, waiting, and observing until he had everything he needs. He came up on one that seemed to be a major in the ongoing and gave them a device to signal him if the anomalies seem too active and dangerous. The organics name was Price. [@Letmehaveone2] [i][b][color=0072bc]The transaction[/color][/b][/i] Red sneaked up and grabbed price from the main group. [color=f7941d]"don't be alarmed creature, I'm here to offer my help damn it....should more of the odd anomaly creatures seem too great in number or extra aggressive and hostile, gesture your hand while holding this and I will come to you and your allies aid."[/color]