Rays of sunlight slowly began to emerge and burst through the window beside Eden's bed, he sat up with a slight jolt. Another nightmare had crept into his mind. [i]They'll be fine he said to himself."[/i] He worried about the children a little as the nightmare crept back in but only for a moment. He was worried one of the demons that was sighted recently would come for them. Looking over to his bedside table he reached for a nearby bottle of water and took a long swig to quench his dry throat. He then proceeded to get up and go about his usual morning routine to prepare for the day. He was especially excited for this particular day. He'd be able to teach the children about the local flora and fauna, which was always one of the best activities to do with them since it was very hands on learning. He proceeded to take care of his hygenine making sure to look as sharp as ever for the day, and he set himself out an outfit for the activity. [i]"Best to be wearing overalls today since I'll need the extra pockets."[/i] He fumbled around in a nearby closet and pulled out a clean set of overalls, paired it with a t shirt and some work boots and set off on his way. He had a lot of extra time before class would start today, so he figured he should check in with the locals.