Ok folks, I'm gonna write a brief thing about the lot of you arriving at a penthouse apartment in central cambridge. In the meantime, let me explain briefly what the job is so far- In cambridge, there lives a man names Johannes Markand. He's an officer in a private security firm known as Lockheart Specialist Security Services (LS3) - or, more informally, the Lockheart Firm. Mr. Markand is in charge of security for a set of documents and data storage devices containing the route, schedule, and security measures in place to protect a series of priceless artefacts and antiquities - which the Employer wants to have for himself - on their route in a convoy through the European Union, to their final destination somewhere therein. Normally, LS3 security is mostly very tight, and thus the data regarding plans to protect these artefacts is highly restricted and extremely well controlled - but Mr Markand has shown himself to be the Single Point of Failure in their plans. Although he remains one of their few staff in the UK capable of managing such a high end operation, he is also crippled by a need for social status and popularity that leads him to associate primarily with members of the British upper and upper middle classes, and throw remarkably lavish parties in the interest of maintaining the little standing he has with them. These parties are primarily private affairs, but he does not possess the facilities to cater for them properly on his own, and thus has to hire outside help for the food, the drink, and the various types of entertainment, legal or otherwise. This help is often unvetted by the Lockheart Firm, on account of his need to keep these habits a secret from his employers - and that's our way in. Each of your characters will have a particular strength to play to in order to get the intel needed from his house, but the plan is primarily yours to make, based on the intelligence given to you IC by the three Willingly Employed.