Roxy glared at Jess as the other woman approached her. She ignored the empath's apology. She didn't want the woman's pity or regret. It was clear that Jess intended to build a wall between them. Which was fine. It was safer that way. She didn't need friends. It was safer if they didn't get too close anyway. [color=blue]"Of course you meant it like that. And that's fine. You want to keep our lives as separate as possible. That is fine."[/color] She kicked the bag harder taking her anger out on it. She reminded herself that she didn't want friends. Anyone close to her would be at risk. It was safer if Jess was only her roommate. No matter how much Roxy wanted to believe that she didn't. She thought the empath would be different.[color=blue]"If I cared what you took Jess I would have told you last night. But don't worry about it. We'll keep everything separate."[/color]