[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jizuZoV.gif[/img] [h3][color=red]LYSANDER[/color][/h3][/center] Lysander was cut off as the man who would be their teacher walked in. Some big shot in Japan who he had only heard bits and pieces about. Akihito Yoshida was his name, and he was a dick from the way he spoke. Not fit to be heroes? Who was he to judge that. They all braved their way into the school, hell Lysander even waited til the last second to try and assist other students along with Ezra and he hadn’t even used his quirk yet! He didn’t feel this man deserved the respect most teachers got but he knew if he wanted to make a name for himself, Mr. Akiito was the ticket to greatness. At the end of his speech, he did as he was told and waited for a good time to walk out of the door. Wing boy and Mr. Ghost were the first out and he followed behind a pudgier boy who was trying to hype himself up. Combat training had him slightly on edge but he walked with confidence, no, arrogance. He had a smug look on his face as he observed his class. None in front of him walked like a hero. They were all so rigid. Maybe it was just the way Japanese heroes worked but nobody here looked like they had fun. He giggled to himself a bit, but his giggle faded as he opened up his locker and found his tracksuit not only had long sleeves and long pants, but two giant holes in the back that went the whole way down. It fit fine enough but it was nowhere near ideal and let in a draft. First thing first, he had to do some last minute adjustments and tore the ends of his sleeves and pants from the insides as his quirk activated. Every thread was pulled apart and the little points on his arms and legs seemed to retract a bit after becoming visible. [color=red]”You’d think they’d make suits for our quirks, and not give us broken equipment right?”[/color] He shouted as he left the room, rubbing his back. [hr] [center][h2]TRAINING GROUND ECHO[/h2][/center] Lysander arrived and already started stretching. Nothing that was a real stretch, just things he did before he performed a show or did anything with his powers. [color=red]”Anyone else get a messed up tracksuit? Mine has these two gaping holes in the back and it’s just a little bit too big.”[/color] He spoke to nobody in particular and observing the crowd noticed nobody in particular was talking as well. He walked to the center of the group and threw his hands in the air during a stretch and exhaled loudly as he bent back. He was not nervous at all and seeing the environment they were in, it was not going to be too hard on him. He thrived in places like this. [@Conscripts]