[H2][center]Ryan Chideta 1/8/15, Home[/center][/h2] His alarm went off at about 7 AM, after a couple of tries to hit the snooze button Ryan eventually succeeded and went back to sleep for another hour. After his alarm went off again he groaned and hit the snooze button again, why did he even have his alarm set? After his alarm went off one more time he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, wondering why he had decided to get up so early on a saturday during the summer. He got dressed into his usual casual clothes and brushed his teeth, still half asleep as he went through his morning routine. It was only in the middle of breakfast that his eyes snapped open and he realised what today was. He ran back to his room, muttering curses under his breath the whole time as he tried to get all his essentials packed into his blue backpack, also grabbing a comb and putting it in his pocket just so he could straighten out his hair on the way to the train terminal. As he ran back downstairs to finish his breakfast quickly he cursed himself for getting up so late, especially considering everyone was probably waiting for him at the train already. Ryan mentally went over everything he would need for the trip, wallet, phone, swimwear, sunblock, some water just in case, that sounded about right. He checked his phone and began eating faster, he was ten minutes behind schedule and he still needed to take a shower. After a quick text to his mom reminding her he was going to the beach today he ran back upstairs to take a shower, missing the response back telling him not to forget his towel. [hr] As he slung his backpack over his shoulder and slid his phone into his pocket he stopped for a second to look at himself in the mirror. Looking better than usual honestly, today was gonna be a good day. He grabbed a [url=http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/244/630/bbc.png]hat[/url] from his shelf and put it on his head, adjusting it as he ran out the front door. [H2][center]Ryan Chideta 1/8/15, Warakuma Train Terminal[/center][/h2] Ryan was panting as he ran to the train terminal, he checked his phone and he was just on time luckily. As he bent over, trying to catch his breath after running so far, he saw everyone gathered up at the platform mentioned in the text. As he walked over he took out his bottle of water and began chugging it, the station was pretty hot and it was a saturday so the station was kinda crowded, which made it even hotter. He stopped in front of them and waved, smiling as his breathing finally got to a normal pace. [color=steelblue]"Hey guys, how's everyone doing?"[/color]