[@Banana] The main reason Victoire survived that attack was because Bonesword metagamed hard to find her. I told you that during the battle of Arcadia and you acknowledged that as well so don't come put the blame of your bad conduct as a player on me. As for Frog and Diana, you all were doing that invasion of Heaven with the single purpose of spiting me because I handed a very well warned beforehand punishment to Fran, of course I'd react bad to that kind of stuff. Furthermore how would he control her if I said that she picked him with the tips of her fingers, like an used condom? If he tried to get in her hand she would throw him away before he could do that and kill him with her own breath. The result was the same regardless of the order of actions. As for Lilian, read her actions again from the POV of a commanding character and you'll see that Eos was being way, way more considerate than she she should have, like she tends to be more often than not. After all the only faction leader in the Nexus to hand rewards in the way she does is Eos. You can't expect endless tolerance to such an incompetent behavior like Lily's.