[center][h1][color=purple]☆[/color][color=lightgreen]Eiko Tachibana[/color][color=purple]☆[/color][/h1][/center] Eiko's eyes continued to wander around the room, his skin practically blending into the wall behind him. It wasn't like he was trying to look at [i]them[/i], but more like they couldn't escape his vision. Were ghosts always so close to people without any of them realizing? Eiko immediately pushed the thought away, leaving it as a side effect he had from the serum just entering his body. Sooner or later, the eyeless ghost cats and amputated old people would disappear and fade out of existence... Just as Eiko was about to blink and give himself a brief second of relief, an older woman with a defining hat and noticeable bags under her eyes took a seat next to him. He had originally been saving the spot for his sister, but he didn't have the heart nor the voice to tell the woman, who had probably been through similar pain as him, to move. With his eyes now focused on the woman who sat next to him, Eiko waited patiently to see what she had to say, with her asking if he was alright. The question was to be expected, but why she chose to ask him out of everyone else...did he really look like bad? As if taking a moment to process what he had been asked, Eiko gave the woman the best smile he could give at the moment, his pale lips barely tilting upward. [color=lightgreen]"...Just...tired, I-I guess."[/color] Eiko's voice unintentionally cracked, allowing the weakness in his speech to come out. In attempts to cover it up, Eiko slowly held out a pale hand in the direction of the kind woman. [color=lightgreen]"I-I'm Eiko...I-It's nice to m-meet you..."[/color] He stuttered as his hollow eyes remained on the woman and not the transparent beings that were floating around and even through her. [@EchoicChamber] [hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]☆[/color][color=purple]Thalia Tachibana[/color][color=lightgreen]☆[/color][/h1][/center] Thalia let out a confident huff as the men around her tightened the restraints to her arms, leg, waist, and even a few extra, like her neck. Clearly confused as to why she needed a neck restrain, the girl spoke up. [color=purple]"Oi, why did I need this? Isn't it a little unnecessary?"[/color] She question. One of the men gave her a look, showing that he understood her confusion, but remained silent none the less. The short girl continued to look at the equipment they were bringing in, her eyes stopping at the sight of a defibrillator, what doctors used to restart to heart. It was then that fear began to sink into her mind. She had told her brother that this would be a cakewalk and that they would both be okay, but the thought of one of them not making it always crept in her brain. She could only hope that if one of them had to go, it had to be her no matter what. With very little precaution, one of the men practically shoved the needle with the serum into her arm, causing the girl to wince in pain. And so as the serum began to course through her veins, she started to feel the effects. Her whole body shook, a scream ripping through her throat. If felt as if millions of needles were being pushed into her body and being ripped out from the other side; and while it wasn't actually happening to her, the girl's skin began to show mottled needle pricked spots. Thalia continued to shake and thrash, her eyes rolling to the back of her head moments later. After what seemed like forever, the girl stopped moving for the worse. Her mouth hung open, with blood trailing out the edges while her eyes never came back from behind her head, blood also emerging from the sides. The monitor that has been keeping track of her vital signs released a single note as the line on the screen had stopped moving. And while she became unresponsive, Thalia could still hear and feel everything. She heard the men panicking and running around the room. She felt the defibrillator press against her chest in attempts to revive her. But after a few minutes, Thalia lost consciousness. One of the men that entered the waiting room, carrying Thalia. He had quickly placed the girl on the floor before turning to leaving, leaving Thalia unconscious, but alive, on the ground.