"Hm. I suppose I'll have to speak with him afterwards, and have Mikey bring up any sidling ideas at tomorrow meeting. It's fine," Geode said, turning back to look at everyone present. "Anyways, let us proceed. Shaidra..." "In terms of similarity to my own use of the void, Shaidra fits the bill perfectly. That is to say, she may be capable of everything I am, and more. Based on what I've seen, she might even be a [i]sheer creation of void energy,[/i] something which, despite my best efforts, [i]I am not.[/i] As such, she has no Ki, or arcane energy. This is an oddity, to say the [i]least.[/i] Void energy usually burns out in a universe if it is not hosted by Ki or arcane energy. It acts like a parasite in individuals like me, turning Ki and arcane energy into totally new forms of energy that do not adhere to the normal rules of how magic works. This is how all of the order members function, to my knowledge, assuming my hypothesis is correct. Knowing this, Shaidra's existence should be impossible. I've never met a creature of pure void energy existing within a universe, rather, that has only occurred in [i]void pockets, [/i]much like what Jenso experienced when he died in Feralda, facing off against a strange creature, which was likely a creation of pure void as well. If this is true, then I may actually know a great deal of what she is capable of, already..." Geode paused and looked at his hand. "Hmm.." "Void energy consumes all. Know this first and foremost. It will try to eat away at Ki and arcane energy until it burns itself out. Usually, large sources of energy can resist it for a long time, meaning that a strike from her will not result in the immediate death that the child from Alvios' home town was victim to. But, when infected, you will be [i]completely incapable of manifesting Ki or Arcane abilities until it is purged from your body.[/i] Attempting to do so in great amount while infected, may purge the infection, but it will also damage your Arcane network and soul [i]severely. [/i]This is to be acknowledged. If you ignore this, you will [i]likely die.[/i] Following this, Void energy completely [i]annihilates[/i] arcane energy at a 100 to 1 ratio. Arcane abilities will likely have no effect on Shaidra at all. Arki might, but Ki is your best option. Void and Ki trade evenly, and sometimes, Ki can have the advantage. The biggest advantage I've seen, is a 10 to 1 ration, with Ki coming out as the winner. This may be something that Alvios can take advantage of, and possible, Jenso as well. Jeff and Bruce will have the hardest time dealing with Shaidra. Jeff in particular, might not be able to hurt her at all with his weaker form of Ki. Despite her small size and animal like behaviour, she may be even more durable than even [i]Rajaka.[/i]" Geode paused on that statement. More durable than [i]Rajaka?[/i] That little monster? "Of course, this strength also comes with a great weakness. From all reports I've received, she appears to be [i]barely sentient, almost like a pet.[/i] That, as Yzeira has shown a great amount of value in her. They may be because she is the only Order member to have received nearly mortal damage, but we can't know for sure. Prisma's death did not warrant any reaction in him whatsoever. So... I'm at a loss, there." "The abilities Shaidra has shown, are very few in number. She is fast, she is unpredictable, and she can teleport in and out of our reality in an [i]instant.[/i] Combine that with her durability, and capability to eat through most ranged attacks and matter with ease, and she becomes a ridiculous target to actually harm. However, despite her astronomical defences, her actual stamina and durability behind these factors seems minimal. A single Sword attack from Alvios, albeit likely empowered by his Ki without his knowing, was enough to incapacitate her indefinitely. If a single strike lands, Shaidra may be finished. But, since she is an animal, as far as we know, she will likely not hesitate to run if put in danger. If she does this, we will not be able to chase her. Additionally, she can pull targets into her dimension if they are not on alert, making it crucial that we stay alert at all times. [i]Even now.[/i]" Geode pointed up, down, and all around. "She has the capability to teleport into this very room, and steal us away one by one. She likely hasn't done so, because she has not been ordered to do so. Something else about Shaidra, is that she appears to be relatively harmless if unprovoked. At least, she shows no intent to harm." Geode sighed. "Now, the other things she may be capable are as follows. Vacuum-like abilities, gravity manipulation, [i]time control,[/i] and even [i]immortality if her soul is not completely destroyed.[/i]" Geode grunted. "Despite appearing as one of the weaker members, Shaidra might pose an even greater threat than even Yzeira if she is not taken care of quickly." "I have not been able to concoct any strategies. Seeing how she is extremely mobile, a 1v1 situation might be our best option. But, seeing how Alvios would be the only candidate for such a task, I believe discussing it in detail would be pointless, right now. So, I turn to you. Has anyone a thought on this conundrum?"