My first roleplay character... haha... Was Riolu. Yes, the Pokémon. No specific name, just Riolu. We were a group of Pokémon on a quest. I don't remember all the details. I remember we had to save a small Pokémon from an evil Arcanine or so, and there was a giant Snorlax who blocked the way to the cave. I played Riolu as somewhat of a guardian, who was very intent on keeping the rest safe and being a moral support. He wasn't a leader, was unsure if he was good enough to defend them all and often was clumsy or took things way too personally, but he did his best to keep them safe. Flaws? Weeeeeeeell. He had no story at all. That wasn't really part of the roleplay. Just pick a Pokémon, get your moves and stats, get put together in a group with no real reason to it, here's a quest, off on an adventure. So of course, there was no connection to the other characters or story-events. We just did that one session and hah. He got to Quick-Attack the Arcanine. That's the only thing I actually remember him doing. It's slightly hard to fault him due to the circumstances of his creation. He was a test-run, so to say. Despite this, I got myself a fairly solid understanding of his personality. A wannabe guardian that is unsure of his ability, but wanting to do his best regardless. Ya. I still like him, and remember him fondly. Haha.