[quote=@Antarctic Termite] [@SIGINT] okay so we gotta introduce Measles Margret to Ayem sometime because first of all I was planning to have Giggles step out of the LBPF story at some point for a while so Ayem could show up as an antivillain hired to chase out these bothersome pirates or something, so we got some natural allies (though not necessarily teammates b/c lbr that's a frickin' weird combo) and also because the artist you picked for Cholera Maria was the basis for Ayem's very early drafts [hider] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/75af2b5ce1046523b0226da13ff2efa2/tumblr_nhz0tjOF9o1tsd5lyo1_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] ANYWAY that probably wasn't worth pointing out but if I don't post [i]some damned thing[/i] to let y'all know I'm alive I'm gonna procrastinate my next post until I make out like a bandit and never come back POST INCOMING WHEN? IDK. FUK U [/quote] She's pretty :) I like the weird gloves she has