[@FlitterFaux][@HereComesTheSnow][@FlitterFaux][@Abillioncats][@Crimmy][@Onarax] [h3]Varius Gilver[/h3] [color=gray]"Hmph, 'fried' you say Shuai, but I'm afraid I do not make such a primitive dish. Behold, tempura tuna"[/color], he responded as a montage of making the batter, applying it to the fish, frying it, and taking it out to put it onto a neatly organized dish with sauce took place. With that ready it was only up to Shuai to take that... And the request salmon sushi. Unfortunately they did not bring salmon, but Varius was not one to be unprepared. [color=gray]"My family may not be here today, but our delivery networks never rest. I took the liberty of sending a notification to the fishery in town"[/color], with a click of his fingers a crate parachuted down in the middle of the food court relayed by a helicopter with his family company's logo on it before flying away. Upon Shuai opening the crate to deliver the contents to the stand he would find it was full of salmon. Soon as it was taken to the stand, Varius would proceed to prepare the salmon sushi as if nothing abnormal had happened. [color=gray]"I hope the food is to your liking dear customers"[/color], an incredible display... Such was the power of wealth one supposes.